Absolute accuracy, definition, 438
Absolute maximum ratings:
data sheet, example, 488
op amp, 63–65
typical, table, 63, 75
Absorption, shielding loss, 813–814
AC coupling, 19
AC current path, ground plane resistance, 878
Accelerometer, 204–207
basic unit cell sensor building block, 205
Coriolis, 208–209
internal signal conditioning, diagram, 206
Iow-g, tilt measurement, 205–206
absolute, definition, 438
logarithmic, definition, 438
relative, definition, 438
Acquisition time:
definition, 479
SHA, 561
Active feedback amplifier, 123–124
CMR independent of resistor bridge, 123
Active filter:
antialiasing design, 663–668
element, limitations, 657–658 ...

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