Chapter 4
Searching LinkedIn
In This Chapter
Viewing your LinkedIn connections
Searching your network
Sorting your search results
Using criteria in your search
Performing a reference search on somebody
After you sign up for LinkedIn and build your profile (see Chapters 2 and 3, respectively, for more on those topics), it's time to go forth and find connections! As you start searching your own immediate network of your first-degree connections, plus second- and third-degree network members, you can see just how valuable LinkedIn can be to you. LinkedIn is the embodiment of the Six Degrees of Separation concept because in most cases, you can connect to any other person in the network regardless of whether you already know that person.
In this chapter, I demonstrate the different ways you can search the LinkedIn network. By that I mean your ever-growing personal network and the greater LinkedIn member network. I talk about viewing your own network, searching within the second and third ...
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