Chapter 12
Finding a Job
In This Chapter
Searching LinkedIn job postings
Improving your visibility and attractiveness on LinkedIn
Optimizing your LinkedIn profile for job search success
Devising LinkedIn job search strategies
Leveraging your connections
One of the most important ways that LinkedIn has benefitted people is how it helps improve their job search experience. Before LinkedIn, everyone remembers what was involved when you had a job search — making lots of phone calls and visits (and some e-mails) to people you knew, asking them whether they knew anybody who was hiring, asking whether they knew somebody at Company X who might talk to you, or asking something else related to your search. It was a tedious and inefficient process, and LinkedIn has improved it. Understand, however, that LinkedIn hasn't replaced the entire process. You still need to have some face-to-face meetings and make phone calls, but LinkedIn can help you find the right person before you pick up the phone. ...
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