Projecting into an X-DOM

You can also use LINQ queries to project into an X-DOM. The source can be anything over which LINQ can query, such as:

  • LINQ to SQL Tables

  • A local collection

  • Another X-DOM

Regardless of the source, the strategy is the same in using LINQ to emit an X-DOM: you first write a functional construction expression that produces the desired X-DOM shape, and then build a LINQ query around the expression.

For instance, suppose we wanted to retrieve customers from a database into the following XML:

	  <customer id="1">

We start by writing a functional construction expression for the X-DOM using simple literals:

	var customers =
	  new XElement ("customers",
	    new XElement ("customer", new XAttribute ("id", 1),
	      new XElement ("name", "Sue"),
	      new XElement ("buys", 3)

We then turn this into a projection and build a LINQ query around it:

	var customers =
	  new XElement ("customers",
	    from c in dataContext.Customers
	      new XElement ("customer",
	        new XAttribute ("id", c.ID),
	        new XElement ("name", c.Name),
	        new XElement ("buys", c.Purchases.Count)

Here’s the result:

	  <customer id="1">
	  <customer id="2">

The outer query in this case defines the line at which the query transitions from being a remote LINQ to SQL query to a local LINQ to enumerable query. XElement’s constructor doesn’t know ...

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