
Starting at the top, we're going to use Terraform to create a small Docker deployment locally. This is the easiest to show as we have all of the tools we need on our VM, and it doesn't mean I have to tell you to go out and start a free trial on some cloud provider.

Start by creating a directory for us to work in:

$ mkdir example-terraform$ cd example-terraform

Next, shove the following configuration into a main.tf file:

$ cat <<HERE > main.tfprovider "docker" {  host = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}resource "docker_image" "example-image" {  name = "nginx"}resource "docker_container" "example-container" {  name = "nginx-example"  image = "\${docker_image.example-image.latest}"}HERE

Then, initialize Terraform:

$ sudo /usr/local/bin/terraform ...

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