Chapter 5

Troubleshooting and Customizing Linux


Bullet Troubleshooting the installation

Bullet Using log files to troubleshoot

Bullet Resolving installation problems

Bullet Setting up your printers

Bullet Managing your DVDs and CD-ROMs

Bullet Installing updates and additional software packages

During the installation of Linux, the installer attempts to detect key hardware components, such as the network card and any installed peripherals. According to what it detects, the installer takes you through a sequence of installation steps. If the installer can’t detect the network card, for example, it usually skips the network configuration step. This omission is okay if you don’t in fact have a network card, but if you do have one and the installer mistakenly insists that you don’t, you have an installation problem on your hands.

Another installation problem can occur when you restart the PC and see a text terminal ...

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