9.2. Types of CLIs
The default CLI on most Linux systems is bash, but bash is just one type of CLI. There are other types that might be more applicable to your needs, and your CLI may switch from one type to another, as you choose the type to match the task at hand. Let's look at the different types of CLIs: sentences, menus, and wizards, and at two CLI attributes: statefulness and whether the CLI is line- or character-oriented.
9.2.1. Sentences
The sentence CLI, the most common type of CLI, maps actions and objects in the appliance into verbs and nouns. Consider a simple bash command:
rm -f backup.sxw
Here, rm is the verb, -f is an adverb, and backup.sxw is the noun. The key to a successful CLI of this type is to select the verbs and nouns that ...
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