

[ -f ] [ -v ] [ -c ] [ -V ] [ -r ] [ -b bits] [name …]


[ -f ] [ -v ] [ -c ] [ -V ] [ name …]

Compress makes files smaller via adaptive Lempel-Ziv encoding, uncompress (and zcat) reverse the effects of compress. Usually the resultant files are replaced with a similarly named file with a .Z extension. Access permissions, ownership, and modification times are retained.

Example: To compress the file bigfile.txt, use

compress bigfile.txt

-c Send results to standard output without changing the files
-r Recursive operation. Compress the contents of any directories found
-V Display version information
-b bits encoding
-v Verbose operation


{-o|--create} [-0acvABLV] [-C bytes] [-H format] [-M message] [-O [[user@]host: ...

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