ps [options]
Report on active processes. Note that you do not need to include a - before options. In options, list arguments should either be separated by commas or be put in double quotes. In comparing the amount of output produced, note that e prints more than a and l prints more than f.
- pids
Include only specified processes, which are given in a comma-delimited list.
- a
List all processes.
- c
Consult task_struct for command name.
- e
Include environment.
- f
“Forest” family tree format.
- h
Suppress header.
- j
Jobs format.
- l
Produce a long listing.
- m
Memory format.
- n
Print user IDs and WCHAN numerically.
- r
Exclude processes that are not running.
- s
Signal format.
- --sort delimiter[+|-]key[,[+|-]key[,...]]
Similar to O, but designed to protect multiletter sort keys. See the later list, “Sort keys”.
- t tty
Display only processes running on tty.
- u
Include username and start time.
- v
vm format.
- w
Wide format. Don’t truncate long lines.
- x
Include processes without an associated terminal.
- O[+|-] key[,[+|-]key[,...]]
Sort processes. (See the following list, “Sort keys.”)
- +
Return key to default direction.
- -
Reverse default direction on key.
- S
Include child processes’ CPU time and page faults.
Sort keys
- c, cmd
Name of executable.
- C, cmdline
Whole command line.
- f, flags
- g, pgrp
Group ID of process.
- G, tpgid
Group ID of associated tty.
- j, cutime
Cumulative user time.
- J, cstime
Cumulative system time.
- k, utime
User time.
- K, stime
System time.
- m, min_flt
Number ...
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