


                  bc [options] [files]

bc is a language (and compiler) whose syntax resembles that of C, but with unlimited-precision arithmetic. bc consists of identifiers, keywords, and symbols, which are briefly described in the following entries. Examples are given at the end.

Interactively perform arbitrary-precision arithmetic or convert numbers from one base to another. Input can be taken from files or read from the standard input. To exit, type quit or EOF.


-h, --help

Print help message and exit.

-i, --interactive

Interactive mode.

-l, --mathlib

Make functions from the math library available.

-s, --standard

Ignore all extensions, and process exactly as in POSIX.

-w, --warn

When extensions to POSIX bc are used, print a warning.

-q, --quiet

Do not display welcome message.

-v, --version

Print version number.


An identifier is a series of one or more characters. It must begin with a lowercase letter but may also contain digits and underscores. No uppercase letters are allowed. Identifiers are used as names for variables, arrays, and functions. Variables normally store arbitrary-precision numbers. Within the same program you may name a variable, an array, and a function using the same letter. The following identifiers would not conflict:


Variable x.


Element i of array x. i can range from 0 to 2047 and can also be an expression.


Call function x with parameters y and z.

Input-output keywords

ibase , obase, scale, and last store a value. Typing them on ...

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