screen [options
] [command
Provide ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, making it possible to run multiple full-screen pseudo-terminals from one real terminal, and letting you manipulate and save your screen input and output, copy and paste between windows, etc.
- -a
Include all capabilities in each window’s termcap.
- -A
Adapt all windows to the size of the current terminal. Default is to try to use the previous window size.
- -c file
Use file as the configuration file instead of the default $HOME/.screenrc.
- -d
Detach session running elsewhere. With -r, reattach to this terminal. With -R, reattach to this terminal or create it if it doesn’t already exist. With -RR, use the first session when reattaching if more than one session is available.
- -D
Detach session running elsewhere, logging out before detaching. With -r, reattach to this terminal. With -R, reattach to this terminal or create it if it doesn’t already exist. With -RR, do whatever is necessary to create a new session.
- -e xy
Change command characters. Specify x as the command character (default Ctrl-a) and y as the character that generates a literal command character (default a). Specify in caret notation (e.g., ^A for Ctrl-a).
- -f, -fn, -fa
Turn flow control on, off, or to automatic switching mode.
- -h num
Specify the size of the history scrollback buffer.
- -i
Cause the interrupt key (usually Ctrl-c) to interrupt the display immediately when flow control is on. Use of this option is discouraged.
- -l, ...
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