Summary of Commands by Name
The Emacs commands below are presented alphabetically by command name. Use M-x to access the command name. Reminder: C- indicates the Ctrl key; M- indicates the Meta key.
Command name | Keystrokes | Description |
macroname | (none) | Execute a keyboard macro you’ve saved. |
abbrev-mode | (none) | Enter (or exit) word abbreviation mode. |
advertised-undo | C-x u | Undo last edit (can be done repeatedly). |
apropos | (none) | What functions and variables involve this concept? |
back-to-indentation | M-m | Move cursor to first nonblank character on line. |
backward-char | C-b | Move backward one character (left). |
backward-delete-char | Del | Delete previous character. |
backward-kill-paragraph | (none) | Delete previous paragraph. |
backward-kill-sentence | C-x Del | Delete previous sentence. |
backward-kill-word | C-c C-w | Erase previous word. |
backward-kill-word | M-Del | Delete previous word. |
backward-page | C-x [ | Move backward one page. |
backward-paragraph | M-{ | Move backward one paragraph. |
backward-sentence | M-a | Move backward one sentence. |
backward-word | M-b | Move backward one word. |
beginning-of-buffer | M-< | Move to beginning of file. |
beginning-of-line | C-a | Move to beginning of line. |
call-last-kbd-macro | C-x e | Execute last macro defined. |
capitalize-region | (none) | Capitalize region. |
capitalize-word | M-c | Capitalize first letter of word. |
center-line | M-s | Center line that cursor is on. |
center-paragraph | M-S | Center paragraph that cursor is on. |
center-region | (none) | Center currently defined region. |
comint-interrupt-subjob | C-c C-c | Terminate the current job. |
comint-kill-input | C-c C-u | Erase current line. |
comint-send-eof ... |
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