


ftp [options] [hostname]

Transfer files to and from remote network site hostname. ftp prompts the user for a command. The commands are listed after the options. Some of the commands are toggles, meaning they turn on a feature when it is off and vice versa. Note that some versions may have different options.



Enable debugging.


Disable filename globbing.


Turn off interactive prompting.


No autologin upon initial connection.


Verbose. Show all responses from remote server.


![command [args]]

Invoke an interactive shell on the local machine. If arguments are given, the first is taken as a command to execute directly, with the rest of the arguments as that command’s arguments.

$macro-name [args]

Execute the macro macro-name that was defined with the macdef command. Arguments are passed to the macro unglobbed.

account [passwd]

Supply a supplemental password that will be required by a remote system for access to resources once a login has been successfully completed. If no argument is given, prompt the user for an account password in a nonechoing mode.

append local-file [remote-file]

Append a local file to a file on the remote machine. If remote-file is not given, the local filename is used after being altered by any ntrans or nmap setting. File transfer uses the current settings for type, format, mode, and structure.


Set the file transfer type to network ASCII (default).


Sound a bell after each file transfer command is completed.

binary, image

Set file transfer ...

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