


ip [options] object command [arguments]
ip [object [command]] help

System administration command. Show and manipulate network devices and routing. This command is a part of the iproute2 utilities for controlling TCP and UDP IP networking and traffic control. It’s meant to replace the ifconfig, route, and arp commands among others. On some distributions these utilities may be deprecated in favor of ip.

ip’s subcommand syntax is very similar to the Cisco’s IOS syntax used on many Cisco routers and switches. The ip command can be used to configure tunnels, load balancing and other traffic shaping. For brevity, we won’t cover all of its features here. For more in-depth coverage, we recommend iproute2’s Linux Foundation web pages at:


-s, --stats, --statistics

Print statistics or time values. Use multiple times to increase the verbosity of output even more.

-f protocol_family, --family protocol_family

Specify the protocol_family to use for the commands given. This may be inet, inet6, or link. The protocol_family link may be used to indicate no protocol is involved. The ip command also accepts shortcut options of −4, −6, and −0 for families inet, inet6, and link.

-o, --oneline

Format output as one line, replacing linefeeds with the '\' character. This is useful when piping output of ip to another command.

-r, --resolve

Resolve IP addresses to host names. The default is to use IP addresses.


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