


at [options] time [date]

Execute commands at a specified time and optional date. The commands are read from standard input or from a file. (See also batch.) End input with EOF. time can be formed either as a numeric hour (with optional minutes and modifiers) or as a keyword. It can contain an optional date, formed as a month and date, a day of the week, or a special keyword (today or tomorrow). An increment can also be specified.

The at command can always be issued by a privileged user. Other users must be listed in the file /etc/at.allow if it exists; otherwise, they must not be listed in /etc/at.deny. If neither file exists, only a privileged user can issue the command.


-c job [job...]

Display the specified jobs on the standard output. This option does not take a time specification.

-d job [job...]

Delete the specified jobs. Same as atrm.

-f file

Read job from file, not from standard input.


Report all jobs that are scheduled for the invoking user. Same as atq.


Mail user when job has completed, regardless of whether output was created.

-q letter

Place job in queue denoted by letter, where letter is any single letter from a-z or A-Z. Default queue is a. (The batch queue defaults to b.) Higher-lettered queues run at a lower priority.


Display the version number.


hh:[mm] [modifiers]

Hours can have one digit or two (a 24-hour clock is assumed by default); optional minutes can be given as one or two digits; the colon can be omitted if the format is h, hh, or hhmm (e.g., ...

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