


dpkg [options] action

A tool for installing, managing, and building packages. Also serves as a frontend to dpkg-deb and dpkg-query.

dpkg actions

These actions are carried out by dpkg itself:

-A pkgfile, --record-avail pkgfile

Update the record of available files kept in /var/lib/dpkg/available with information from pkgfile. This information is used by dpkg and dselect to determine which packages are available. With -R or --recursive, pkgfile must be a directory.

-C, --audit

Search for partially installed packages and suggest how to get them working.


Remove existing information about which packages are available.


Set the state of every nonessential package to deinstall to deselect them before running dpkg --set-selections.

--command-fd n

Accept commands passed on the file descriptor given by n. Note that any additional options set through this file descriptor or on the command line are not reset, but remain for other commands issued during the same session.

--compare-versions ver1 op ver2

Perform a binary comparison of two version numbers. The operators lt le eq ne ge gt treat a missing version as earlier. The operators lt-nl le-nl ge-nl gt-nl treat a missing version as later (where nl is “not later”). A third set of operators (< << <= = >= >> >) is provided for compatibility with control-file syntax. dpkg returns zero for success (i.e., the condition is satisfied) and nonzero otherwise.

--configure [packages | -a | --pending]

Reconfigure one or more ...

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