


svn copy src dst

Copy a file in a working copy or in the repository. src and dst can each be either a working-copy (WC) path or a URL:


Copy and schedule an item for addition (with history).


Immediately commit a copy of WC to URL.


Check out URL into WC, and schedule it for addition.


Complete server-side copy. This is usually used to branch and tag.


You can only copy files within a single repository. Subversion does not support cross-repository copying.

Alternate names: cp

Changes: repository if destination is a URL; working copy if destination is a WC path

Accesses repository: if source or destination is in the repository, or if needed to look up the source revision number


--editor-cmd editor
--encoding enc
--file file, -F file
--message text, -m text
--quiet (-q)
--revision rev, -r rev
--with-revprop property


Copy an item within your working copy (just schedules the copy; nothing goes into the repository until you commit):

$ svn copy foo.txt bar.txt
A         bar.txt
$ svn status
A  +   bar.txt

Copy an item from the repository to your working copy (just schedules the copy; nothing goes into the repository until you commit):

$ svn copy file:///tmp/repos/test/far-away near-here
A         near-here


This is the recommended way to resurrect a dead file in your repository!

And finally, copying between two URLs:

$ svn copy file:///tmp/repos/test/far-away \
> file:///tmp/repos/test/over-there -m "remote copy."
Committed revision 9.


This is the easiest ...

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