Hack #83. Monitor Your Logfiles

Use existing tools or simple homemade scripts to help filter noise out of your logfiles.

If you support a lot of services, a lot of hosts, or both, you're no doubt familiar with the problem of making efficient use of logfiles. Sure, you can have a log reporting tool send you log output hourly, but this information often goes to waste because of the extremely high noise-to-signal ratio. You can also try filtering down the information and using a tool such as logwatch to report on just those things most important to you on a daily basis. However, these reports won't help alert you to immediate, impending danger. For that, you need more than a reporting tool. What you really need is a log monitor; something to watch the logs continually and let you know about anything odd.

Log monitors in many environments come in human form: administrators often keep several terminal windows open with various logs being tailed into them, or they use something like root-tail to get those logs out of windows and right into their desktop backgrounds. You can even send your output to a Jabber client [Hack #84] . This is wonderful stuff, but again, it doesn't help filter out any of the unwanted noise in logfiles, and it's not very effective if all the humans are out to lunch (so to speak).

There are a number of solutions to this problem. One is simply to make sure that your services are logging at the right levels and to the right syslog facilities, and then make sure your ...

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