Appendix D. Acronym List
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer 5
ABR Available Bit Rate (ATM)
ACK ACKnowledge
ACR attenuation to crosstalk ratio
AL_PA arbitrated loop physical address (fibre channel)
AMP Active Monitor Present (Token Ring)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARE all-routes explorer frame (source routing)
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASIC application specific integrated circuit
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One (SNMP)
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AUI attachment unit interface (Ethernet)
AWG American Wire Gauge
BER bit error rate
BNC Bayonet Neil-Concelman
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol (TCP/IP)
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPS bits per second
BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server (LANE)
CATV Community Antenna Television
CAU Controlled ...
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