4.5. A Four-Way Table with Ordinal Explanatory Variables
Next we consider a 2 × 2 × 4 × 4 table, reported by Sewell and Shah (1968), for a sample of 4,991 high school seniors in Wisconsin. The dependent variable was whether or not they planned to attend college in the following year. The three independent variables were coded as follows:
IQ | 1=low, 2=lower middle, 3=upper middle, 4=high |
SES | 1=low, 2=lower middle, 3=upper middle, 4=high |
PARENT | 1=low parental encouragement, 2=high encouragement. |
Below is a DATA step to read in the table. There is one record for each combination of the independent variables. The fourth variable TOTAL is the number of students who had each set of values for the independent variables, and the last variable COLL is the ...
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