Throughout this book the emphasis has been upon the achievement of competi-
tive advantage through excellence in logistics and supply chain management.
An increasing number of organisations can be identified in which logistics and
supply chain management are quite clearly recognised as major strategic varia-
bles. Companies like Xerox, Dell, Nokia, Zara and 3M have invested significantly in
developing responsive logistics capability. Whilst their success in the marketplace
is due to many things there can be no doubting the role that logistics and supply
chain management have played in achieving that success.
Each year AMR Research – a company specialising in supply chain manage-
ment analysis and research – has conducted a study of leading supply chains and
has sought to understand what constitutes the key drivers of supply chain excel-
lence. Using hard quantitative data and qualitative assessment from a panel of
experts, AMR produces an annual ranking of the ‘top 25 supply chains’.
Based on
an analysis of the leading companies in the survey the have identified six consist-
ent characteristics exhibited by those companies:
Outside-in focus
Leading supply chains are designed from the customer backwards and are
The era of network
The new organisational paradigm
Collaboration in the supply chain
Managing the supply chain as a network
Seven major business transformations
The implications for tomorrow’s logistics managers
Supply chain orchestration
From 3PL to 4PL™
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