288 Title: RP: logo Sauuy
175 Dtp: 120 Page: 102
Job: 10-91288 Title: RP: logo Sauuy
#175 Dtp: 120 Page: 103
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288 Title: RP: logo Sauuy
175 Dtp: 120 Page: 102
Job: 10-91288 Title: RP: logo Sauuy
#175 Dtp: 120 Page: 103
Names that are evocative or that borrow from stories, cultural
icons, or other emotive forces are classi ed as metaphorical.
These names have the power to create instant associations with
desired themes, feelings, and ideas. They also tend to be able to
extend into a variety of categories without diluting their essence.
Famous examples include Virgin and Apple.
102-145 91288.indd 0103102-145 91288.indd 0103 10/31/06 8:36:17 PM10/31/06 8:36:17 PM

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