Job No: D0610-13 / 3153
1st Proof Title: Logo Lounge 4 Mini Front Matter
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In school lectures, there was always a teacher that admonished the
students to move down into the front rows of the class. I used to be
convinced this attempt to fi ll in those seats was a vain ploy to make
the presentation appear well-attended. It’s only after making the
shift to the front that you understand falling asleep is no longer an
option, and that your attention level and interest start to pique.
These are the students who made better grades and ultimately
rose to the top of their professions. As I meet the members of and speak to the readers of the LogoLounge
series of books, I realize I’ve met these folks before, down in the
front row. These contributors and individuals are as passionate
and inquisitive as ever, and as long as they are curious, they are
still enrolled.
For a designer, having a grip on the visual landscape of our profes-
sion is what allows us to remain relevant to our clients. By picking
up and reading this book, you have already demonstrated the dif-
ference between you and the less curious. Those who have lost or
never had the thirst to stay aware of trends are doomed to forever
design from the back row.
The 2,000 highly organized logos in this book were selected from
more than 28,000 submissions made since the last selection process
Job No: D0610-13 / 3153
1st Proof Title: Logo Lounge 4 Mini Front Matter
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Job No: D0610-13 / 3153
1st Proof Title: Logo Lounge 4 Mini Front Matter
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for LogoLounge 3. This is a monumental collection, and it attests
to both the quality of the fi nal content and to the stamina of the
panel of eight amazingly talented judges who were faced with the
daunting task of selecting only the very best.
Members of can see all of this work—in fact, you
may view every logo submitted to past, present, or future books by
joining Additionally, members receive unlimited
uploads of their own logos for possible inclusion in future books. As
of this writing, has a database of nearly 70,000
logos, contributed by members from over 100 countries around
the world. Each of these logos is searchable by keyword, industry,
designer, date, client, and style.
Although the ability to laser through such a huge pool of exceptional
design to fi nd relevant research is unprecedented, you can also
take a leisurely, random stroll at your own pace. The 2,000 logos
in this book can also be accessed through the book’s companion
All of this inspiration in one book, shared by some of the most
talented and infl uential designers of our era. Move your chair up
to the front row and pick up a well-earned degree in international
identity studies.
Job No: D0610-13 / 3153
1st Proof Title: Logo Lounge 4 Mini Front Matter
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