9. Communicate
Talk Less and Listen More
Fifteen or so years ago, my wife and I attended a fete for Jack Welch (for CEO of the Year) at the Hotel Pierre in Manhattan. Ronald Reagan, then just out of office, was the guest speaker. About 150 people were there for dinner and the speech. Reagan filled the room with an aura of “I’m really happy to be talking to you, and I want to do well giving this speech.” This wasn’t just another $100,000 “show up, throw up” that we’d all witnessed. He did not want to get off the podium. He wanted to keep talking to us—to me! “Just let me tell you one more story! Gorbachev told me, on the last day of the Summit....”
Reagan left the podium and walked by our table. My wife claimed I almost tackled him. “We named ...
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