14 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
The discussion database is no longer awareness enabled. Awareness is
brought instead to the course level with LearningSpace 5.
򐂰 Single sign on between Core and Collaboration servers
When single sign on is enabled, users are no longer prompted more than
once for their password when switching between Core and Collaborative
򐂰 Course Level Chat
Awareness on a course level reflecting users currently enrolled in the course.
This is an optional feature that can be set up at the course level.
򐂰 Core and Collaboration Integration
LearningSpace 5 provides better integration of setup, administration, and
attendance of virtual classrooms from the LearningSpace Core. Placing many
of the tasks regarding creating and managing sessions inside of the Core
server planner has enhanced the administrative experience. These tasks
include the following:
Associating live sessions with courses
Creating sessions from the Core activity property sheet User Interface
Editing session properties in the Core activity property sheet User
Creating session materials using the activity property sheet User Interface
The enhancements made in LearningSpace 5 make communication between
instructors and students easier and more spontaneous. New entries in the
Course Properties allow instructors to announce course specific information (as
well as information about the instructor) to the class and the e-mail feature
makes it easy for students to get in touch with the instructor as well as other
classmates. The tighter integration provided in LearningSpace 5, along with the
added features, provide a streamlined interface for both instructor and student.
1.4 Collaboration Module Version 5 vs. Version 4
For users of LearningSpace 4, we provide Table 1-1 on page 15 so you can
compare the collaboration features with those contained in LS 5.
Chapter 1. About LearningSpace 15
Table 1-1 Collaboration features of LS 4 vs. LS 5
Feature LearningSpace 4.x LearningSpace 5
Underlying Technology The collaboration capability in
LearningSpace 4.x is based on
Lotus Sametime 1.0 and 1.5
It is also based on the Lotus
Domino 4.x DNA.
򐂰 LearningSpace 5 integrates
with the latest 2.5 based
version of Lotus Sametime.
򐂰 Lotus Domino 5.0 DNA is the
base of the Lotus Sametime
technology, which will
provide improved
Audio and Video Reliant on Microsoft NetMeeting
for Audio/Video capabilities.
򐂰 Improved Audio/Video – New
Java based A/V client.
򐂰 Client supports streaming,
broadcast, and multicasting.
򐂰 Better enable firewall and
proxy support for sessions
using A/V.
򐂰 AV tuning wizard enables
end users to test their
systems before using IP
Audio/Video. It can be
launched from an A/V Live
Question and Answer LearningSpace 4.x contains the
ability to do two different question
types: Ad hoc and Assessment.
Learning Space 5 contains the
ability to do three different
question types: Ad hoc,
Assessment, and Question Set.
Follow Me Basic functionality available. Improvements added include the
򐂰 Instructor can “preview” a
URL before sending it to the
򐂰 Each URL that is sent will be
launched in the same
browser window. A student
will not have a separate
browser window for each
URL sent.
16 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
Persistent Materials Instructors are able to create and
store Follow Me sets,
Whiteboards, and assessments,
which can be used in multiple
sessions. These materials outlive
they sessions in which they are
Has the same functionality,
except the creation and
management of these materials
is now more tightly integrated
with the Core product.
Record and Playback Not available. The following features are part of
the recording option:
򐂰 Audio.
򐂰 Video.
򐂰 Screen Sharing.
򐂰 Whiteboards with
Saving Session Materials Not available. Provides ability to capture and
refer back to the materials from a
live session. This feature
includes the ability to save Chat
Transcripts and Whiteboards.
Broadcast Session Not available. The primary purpose of the
broadcast technology is to
enhance scalability. Because the
data is streamed from the server
to the clients, sessions can be
scaled to large audiences. This
technology is very effective for
Class Lectures or any technology
where a small number of people
make presentations to a large
audience. The Broadcast Client
is a separate client that is
downloaded to the user’s
computer the first time the user
attends a broadcast session.
Virtual Classroom Components Not available. The instructor can choose, when
setting up a session, what to
include. This can include
Whiteboard, Chat, or Screen
Sharing, depending upon the
Feature LearningSpace 4.x LearningSpace 5

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