88 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
Figure 7-6 MS Index Server screen
9. Click Next on the components screen.
10.Install IIS to the desired directory. You can leave the defaults or use a path of
your choice. Click Next.
11.Either leave or change the desired directory for MTS Install Folder. Click
12.Leave Administration set to Local and click Next.
13.Leave or change the index server directory and click Next.
14.Click Finish.
15.Click Yes to restart your computer.
7.3.2 File Transfer Protocol
If you will be using the built-in assessment feature of LearningSpace Core, you
will need to install FTP server software on your content server and map one
directory to both the FTP service and the HTTP service. Later when you create
assessments, LearningSpace will transfer precompiled assessment pages using
Chapter 7. Pre-installation 89
FTP to your content server. Students taking part in an assessment can then
access these pages through the HTTP service of your content server.
In the same way that a separate content server does not need to use IIS as the
Web server and does not even need to run on Windows, you are not forced to
use the FTP service of IIS. You can use the FTP server software of your choice.
Enabling the FTP service in IIS
We recommend that you use the Windows FTP service. This makes
administration a bit easier because IIS is already installed and you can manage
both the Web and the FTP service through one single interface.
Windows 2000
Although you should have included the FTP service installation during the
installation of IIS, you can enable the FTP service on your Windows 2000-based
content server by following these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel and click Add/Remove Programs.
2. In the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, on the left side click Add/Remove
Windows Components.
3. In the listbox of the appearing window, select Internet Information Services
(IIS) and click Details.
4. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) component list, select File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) Server and enable the checkbox. Click OK.
5. Click Next. Now Windows will look for the FTP server application. Insert the
Windows 2000 CD if prompted.
6. Windows will install the FTP server.
7. After installation is complete, confirm that the FTP server is running.
Windows NT 4.0
Again, you should have installed the FTP server when you installed IIS 4.0 from
the Options Pack. To enable the FTP service on your Windows NT 4.0 based
machine, you will need to use the install program and include the FTP server.
1. Start the installation program.
2. Click the Add / Remove button.
3. Highlight Internet Information Services (IIS) and click Show
4. Click the check box next to File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server, then OK
(see Figure 7-7 on page 90).
90 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
Figure 7-7 Subcomponents of IIS
5. Click Next and then Finish.
Setting up an FTP account for assessment publishing
When you publish an assessment, LearningSpace will transfer the assessment
files to the FTP server and store them in the lspublish5\v1 directory under the
specified home directory. The directory structure will be automatically created
during the first transfer. You have to prepare the FTP server so that
LearningSpace can fulfill these tasks.
The following step-by-step example shows how you could configure the FTP
service on a content server running the Windows 2000 or NT 4.0 FTP service.
Instead of using user name/password authentication, we here restrict the
directory access based on the IP address of the client (the Core server).
Therefore, this example will only work when you assign a static IP address to the
Core server.
Not using user name/password authentication has two advantages: First,
FTP-based user name/password authentication is unsecure because of the
unencrypted logon procedure. Second, you avoid the creation of a new Windows
user account which can lead to security problems.
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