106 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
8.1 Before you begin
As with any project, you can do some advance planning. In the following
sections, we suggest some steps.
Read Chapter 5, “Hardware and software requirements” on page 51 to verify that
your server meets the requirements and proceed with the described steps in
Chapter 7, “Pre-installation” on page 77 to prepare the server.
Never install across a network
Installing across a network may cause problems, as you will lose your network
connection when the installation program restarts the server machine. Even if
you had selected the Reconnect at logon option, you may not get the
connection back in time for the installation program to continue without problems.
Either install from your LearningSpace CD, or download the files to your hard
drive and install from there.
Anti-virus software: schedule your LearningSpace 5 installation
If you have virus-detection software running on your server, schedule the
LearningSpace installation so it does not conflict with the virus scans. If your
virus-detection software begins scanning during the LearningSpace installation,
the installation may not be able to run until the scan is complete, and may run
into problems at that point.
Decide whether to upgrade your database during installation
This decision is necessary only when you are upgrading from LearningSpace
4.x. For information on upgrading LearningSpace in general, see the Migration
When you upgrade from LearningSpace 4.x to LearningSpace 5.01, the
LearningSpace 5.01 installation program detects your existing LearningSpace
4.x installation and uninstalls it for you. When you install the LearningSpace 5.01
Core server, you must decide whether to upgrade your existing LearningSpace
4.x database during installation or after installation.
We recommend you choose Create a LearningSpace 5.01 database during the
installation process instead of directly upgrading the existing 4.x database. This
will speed up the installation and you can verify that LearningSpace 5.01 itself
If you choose this approach, you need to create a new temporary database
before installation. After installation is successfully completed, you can upgrade
the LearningSpace 4.x database structure, make it the new default database for
LearningSpace 5.01 and remove the temporary database. Use the

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