218 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
Figure 15-7 Assessment usage by the courses in the Planner module
15.3.4 Tracking
Tracking student progress is one of the major advantages of e-Learning
solutions. Tracking stores data on student activities for the following areas:
򐂰 Time spent on browsing an activity
򐂰 Interactions made during an assessment, including the answer and the time
spent on giving the answer
LearningSpace works with content built to meet the two most widely used Web
learning standards: AICC HACP and ADL SCORM. It also works with the original
AICC CMI standard for LAN-based content. You do not need to know these
guidelines in depth, but you can go to http://www.aicc.org and
http://www.adlnet.org for details.
The tracking functionality is determined by several factors:
򐂰 Tracking options in the activity properties sheet
򐂰 Global setting of tracking server
Activity and Assessment properties
Use the following fields to enable tracking in the activity properties sheet:
򐂰 Tracking (options are: Standard, User sets Completion, Set As Completed
After Launch, and Set As Started After Launch)
Chapter 15. Populating with content 219
򐂰 Launch Tracking API
򐂰 Remote Tracking API URL
򐂰 Scored
򐂰 Save responses in the database
򐂰 Create new progress record for each access
See Figure 15-8 for an overview of these properties.
Figure 15-8 Tracking-related activity properties
Select Standard in the Tracking field to let LearningSpace know that it should
expect progress information from the content. The Tracking field determines
whether either of AICC or SCORM is used for tracking user interaction. If you
specify Tracking as Standard, then LearningSpace use the AICC HACP tracking
mechanism by default and LAN content is tracked using AICC file-based
tracking. If you check Launch Tracking API, then SCORM is used instead of
AICC. This property activates the SCORM-based tracking mechanism.
If your SCORM-based content is on a separate server (not on the LearningSpace
Core server nor on the Tracking server specified in Core Settings page of Home
module), you must select the Launch Tracking API option for this method to work.
220 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
If you specify any option in the Tracking field other than Standard, then standard
tracking is disabled. In this case, LearningSpace saves user progress by the
selected method in the Tracking field.
For details on these topics, see the online help and Chapter 3, “Creating Courses
in the Planner” in the LearningSpace 5.01 Course Administrator’s Guide.
Global settings
When LearningSpace launches an activity, it sends a URL that tells the content
where to send tracking information. If you do not name a specific tracking server
on the Core Settings page in the Home module, the tracking server host defaults
to the LearningSpace server hosting the student's session. Sites with multiple
servers and a load-balancing device need to define a tracking server if the
servers in the load-balancing group can not be accessed directly from the
students' machines.
Figure 15-9 Registry setting for server specific TrackingHostName
15.3.5 Custom assessments
Unfortunately, LearningSpace 5 is not shipped with any tool for exporting its
question pool or assessment pool. It can be a good practice to develop
Important: If you select the wrong standard, the content will not track. Check
your content’s specification for determining the proper standard.
LearningSpace assessments and live session materials use the AICC HACP
tracking mechanism.
Tip: In a topology with multiple Core servers sharing one database, changing
the TrackingHostName value of the LearningSpace database registry key
allows you to define a tracking server for one server without changing the
default setting for the others (see Figure 15-9 for details).

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