222 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
15.5 Collaboration content
The LearningSpace 5 Collaboration server provides you with powerful
collaboration tools, such as:
򐂰 Discussion
򐂰 Live sessions:
Give a presentation on the Whiteboard
Share an application
Create breakout sessions
Create a Follow Me set and present Web sites for discussion
Present questions to students
Send and receive Chat messages
Record a Live session for future playback
Save the Whiteboard and Chat transcript interactions for future reference.
For a detailed description of these e-Learning tools, see Chapter 5, “Using
Collaboration” in LearningSpace 5.01 Course Administrators Guide.
15.6 Integrating third-party content
There are several third-party content providers that have thousands of courses.
IBM has prepared vendor-specific guidelines for integrating content with
LearningSpace. For the latest updates of these guidelines, see:
Following the instructions for integrating NETg courses (using directions from the
vendor), we were able to import NETg courses with the Database Utility without
error. Be sure to include “/” at the end of the path (see Figure 15-11 on
page 223).
Chapter 15. Populating with content 223
Figure 15-11 Vendor-sensitive dialog box during import
Our successful import is shown in Figure 15-12.
Figure 15-12 Result of course import

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