256 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
Figure 18-8 Reports permissions
The status of the Selected Reports permissions has been changed successfully.
18.3 Reporting technical aspects
If you are generating custom reports using Seagate Crystal Reports, it is a good
idea to familiarize yourself with the LearningSpace database structures. You
should pay particular attention to relationships between tables. In this section, we
list the tables and the relationship between them.
18.3.1 LearningSpace 5 reports and the database structure
Each report registered in the system is represented by a record in the REPORTS
table. Each report also has a corresponding record in the PERMS table, because
access to reports is restricted by permission. The report title is stored in the
PERMS table. LearningSpace makes no distinction between built-in reports
(those that are installed with LearningSpace) and custom reports (those that are
created by a LearningSpace user with the correct permissions).
Table 18-5 on page 253 lists the LearningSpace database tables.
Note: Even though Figure 18-8 shows that the status of the access to Reports
for the Administrators Profile is No, this Reports permission status is
overridden by the fact that the Run All Reports permission in the Reporter
permissions has been set to Yes for the Administrators profile.
Chapter 18. Reporting 257
Table 18-5 The LearningSpace database tables
The Crystal Reports Print Engine is the LearningSpace component that
generates most built-in reports. The REPORTOPS table is an adjunct to this
subsystem. REPORTOPS is a temporary repository of records that identify the
data in the USERS or COURSES table on which a given report is based (see
Table 18-6).
Table 18-6 The REPORTOPS table information
18.3.2 The LearningSpace 5.01 database tables
When creating reports, it is important to understand the relationships between
the tables in LearningSpace database. For progress reports, the relationships
between the users, progress, nodes, and courses tables are used to retrieve that
type of data. If a progress report is needed, listing the course and all activities
under that course, and the relationship between the NODES and NODEBR table,
is important. If a detail of a particular user profile is needed, then the relationship
between the UPINT, UPCATS, and the UPROFS tables is critical.
The LearningSpace database tables are as follows:
򐂰 The NODES table is where all node records are stored. A node record is an
element in the course tree (such as an activity in a course).
Table name Primary key(s) Comments
REPORTS PE_ID: A foreign key from the
PERMS table in which the
corresponding record identifies
the report to be run.
Each record specifies the data that the system
should gather when a person runs the report
identified by the PERMS record designated by
PERMS PE_ID: LearningSpace generates
a unique integer identifier for this
field when you add the record, and
stores it in the GLOBALS table.
Each record defines a permission within
LearningSpace. When you define a user profile, the
Yes or No value that you assign to each of the
permissions defined in this table determines the
privileges for a user with that profile.
Table name Primary key(s) Comments
REPORTOPS 򐂰 RO_ID: Corresponds to S_SESSION in the
򐂰 RO_VALUE: Corresponds to U_ID in the USERS
table or C_ID in the COURSES table, depending
on the report.
Note: This table occurs in LS 5.01, but not 5.0.
Each record identifies a record
table participating in a Crystal
Reports report. All records are
deleted from this table when
the report is complete.
258 Lotus LearningSpace R5.01 Deployment Guide
򐂰 The NODEBR table stores the positions of nodes in the course. NODEBR
stands for Node Branch.
򐂰 The USERS table is where all LearningSpace users are stored.
򐂰 UPROFS stands for User Profiles. Each user profile is stored as a record in
this table. Each user profile also references a user profile category (in the
UPCATS table).
򐂰 The UPINT table stores the relationship between users and user profiles.
Figure 18-9 shows the relationship between these tables.
Figure 18-9 The relationship between the tables
An example of a select statement to retrieve the first name, last name, course
number, status, and score for a student with user ID of 859 for the course with
c_number of M100, is as follows:
SELECT u_f_name, u_l_name, c_number, p_status, p_score
FROM users, progress, nodes, courses
WHERE users.u_id = 859
AND users.u_id = progress.u_id
AND progress.p_node = nodes.n_id
AND courses.c_number = “M100”
The LearningSpace Administration Guide provides a full listing of the tables and
the relationship between them.

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