Chapter 6

European Distributed Renewable Energy Case Studies

G. Quinti1, G. Caiati1, M. Gruenig2,3, B. O’Donnell3, O. Amerighi4, B. Baldissara4,  and B. Felici4     1Laboratorio di Scienze della Cittadinanza (LSC), Rome, Italy     2Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany     3Ecologic Institute US, Washington, DC, United States     4Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Rome, Italy


This chapter deals with the importance and progress of renewable energy in Europe following three paths. First, the chapter investigates renewable energy in the frame of the so-called anticipatory experiences (AEs) of energy transition, ie, some case studies at the local level where the transition towards ...

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