Chapter 14

Cultivating Community Connections


Bullet Developing relationships through interviews and events

Bullet Becoming a resource for your community

Bullet Preparing your local emergency response

Friendships will be made, collaborations will take flight, and romance will set it all aflame! By definition Low Power FM stations are community meeting places. They are sources of energy and conversation, and many amazing things will happen within your station walls — but not if it is an echo chamber. Nothing good comes from going it alone. Making allegiances, building partnerships, and providing coverage of local activities are key to developing interesting programming for your station and engaging listeners with your broadcast.

LPFM stations use their creativity as you can see in Figure 14-1 to develop new ways for connecting with their listeners, which includes everything from record fairs to costume parties. This chapter provides ideas for connecting with your community, recruiting diverse voices, documenting important local events, and being on call for your community if disaster strikes.

FIGURE 14-1: Beyond their broadcast, LPFM stations create all kinds of happenings to connect ...

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