Chapter 9. Exam 101 Practice Test

Exam 101 consists approximately of 65 questions. Most are multiple-choice single-answer, a few are multiple-choice multiple-answer, and the remainder are fill-in the blank questions. No notes or other materials are permitted, and you have 90 minutes to complete this exam. You can check your answers at the end of this chapter.


  1. What two commands display the status of processes on a Linux system?

    1. ls and df

    2. ps and top

    3. ps and df

    4. df and top

    5. du and df

  2. What does the device file /dev/hdb6 represent?

    1. An extended partition on a SCSI disk drive

    2. A logical partition on a SCSI disk drive

    3. An extended partition on an IDE disk drive

    4. A primary partition on an IDE disk drive

    5. A logical partition on an IDE disk drive

  3. Which command will display the last lines of the text file file1?

    1. head -b file1

    2. head --bottom file1

    3. head -v file1

    4. tail file1

    5. tail -n 1 file1

  4. In the Bash shell, entering !! has the same effect as which one of the following?

    1. Ctrl-P and Enter

    2. Ctrl-N and Enter

    3. Ctrl-U and Enter

    4. !-2

    5. !2

  5. Which of the following commands can be used to check an ext2 filesystem? Select three that apply.

    1. fsck -ext2 /dev/hda5

    2. fsck /dev/hda5

    3. e2fsck /dev/hda5

    4. fsck.ext2 /dev/hda5

    5. fsck.linux /dev/hda5

  6. In response to the df command, the system reports a Use% of 98% for the filesystem mounted on /home. Which one of the following best describes the significance of this information?

    1. Files on /home are consuming 98% of the physical disk.

    2. File read/write activity on /home is consuming ...

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