Chapter 20. Networking Services (Topic 1.113)
Much of the success of Linux can be attributed to bundled networking services , such as the Apache web server, Sendmail, NFS and Windows file sharing, and others. This chapter covers these six Objectives on networking services:
- Objective 1: Configure and Manage inetd, xinetd, and Related Services
Candidates should be able to configure which services are available through inetd or xinetd, use tcpwrappers to allow or deny services on a host-by-host basis; manually start, stop, and restart Internet services; configure basic network services including telnet and ftp. Candidates should also be able to set a service to run as another user instead of the default in inetd.conf. Weight: 4.
- Objective 2: Operate and Perform Basic Configuration of Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
Candidates should be able to modify simple parameters in Sendmail configuration files (including the "smart host" parameter, if necessary), create mail aliases, manage the mail queue, start and stop Sendmail, configure mail forwarding and perform basic troubleshooting of Sendmail. This Objective includes checking for and closing open relays on the mail server. It does not include advanced custom configuration of Sendmail. Weight: 4.
- Objective 3: Operate and Perform Basic Configuration of Apache
Candidates should be able to modify simple parameters in Apache configuration files; start, stop, and restart httpd; and arrange for automatic restarting of httpd upon boot. This objectives ...
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