Chapter 19
Wireless Network Design
This is the design phase in which sites locations are chosen; thus it is necessary to define the propagation model and its parameters to be used at each location. With this knowledge, the traffic requirements defined in Chapter 17, and the deployment strategy established in Chapter 18, it is possible to select the best site locations to provide the desired services.
19.1 Field Measurement Campaign
Chapter 6 describes the methodology to gather propagation measurements for propagation model calibration purposes. This chapter shows typical results obtained using collection and processing tools.
The first step in a drive test campaign is to select representative locations inside the AoI and in agreement with the deployment strategy. If using fractional morphology methodology, only a few locations need to be measured. In a large city, 4 to 8 different locations are usually sufficient. The exact number can be obtained by analyzing the results for initial sites and analyzing the dispersion between them.
The measurements themselves can usually be done over a short period of time; it is the post-processing that takes time to be done properly. This section uses the drive test tool CelSignal to exemplify CW measurement collection and the software CelTools as an example of a post-processing tool. The example used here is based on a campaign done at 1.8 GHz in a dense urban area.
The calibration of a propagation model requires a set of statistically representative ...