M2M Communications: A Systems Approach

Book description

A comprehensive introduction to M2M Standards and systems architecture, from concept to implementation

Focusing on the latest technological developments, M2M Communications: A Systems Approach is an advanced introduction to this important and rapidly evolving topic. It provides a systems perspective on machine-to-machine services and the major telecommunications relevant technologies. It provides a focus on the latest standards currently in progress by ETSI and 3GPP, the leading standards entities in telecommunication networks and solutions. The structure of the book is inspired by ongoing standards developments and uses a systems-based approach for describing the problems which may be encountered when considering M2M, as well as offering proposed solutions from the latest developments in industry and standardization.

The authors provide comprehensive technical information on M2M architecture, protocols and applications, especially examining M2M service architecture, access and core network optimizations, and M2M area networks technologies. It also considers dominant M2M application domains such as Smart Metering, Smart Grid, and eHealth. Aimed as an advanced introduction to this complex technical field, the book will provide an essential end-to-end overview of M2M for professionals working in the industry and advanced students.

Key features:

  • First technical book emerging from a standards perspective to respond to this highly specific technology/business segment

  • Covers the main challenges facing the M2M industry today, and proposes early roll-out scenarios and potential optimization solutions

  • Examines the system level architecture and clearly defines the methodology and interfaces to be considered

  • Includes important information presented in a logical manner essential for any engineer or business manager involved in the field of M2M and Internet of Things

  • Provides a cross-over between vertical and horizontal M2M concepts and a possible evolution path between the two

  • Written by experts involved at the cutting edge of M2M developments

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Foreword
  5. List of Contributors
  6. List of Acronyms
  7. Chapter 1: Introduction to M2M
    1. 1.1 What is M2M?
    2. 1.2 The Business of M2M
    3. 1.3 Accelerating M2M Maturity
    4. 1.4 M2M Standards
    5. 1.5 Roadmap of the Book
    6. References
  8. Part One: M2M Current Landscape
    1. Chapter 2: The Business of M2M
      1. 2.1 The M2M Market
      2. 2.2 The M2M Market Adoption: Drivers and Barriers
      3. 2.3 The M2M Value Chain
      4. 2.4 Market Size Projections
      5. 2.5 Business Models
      6. 2.6 M2M Business Metrics
      7. 2.7 Market Evolution
      8. References
    2. Chapter 3: Lessons Learned from Early M2M Deployments
      1. 3.1 Introduction
      2. 3.2 Early M2M Operational Deployments
      3. 3.3 Chapter Conclusion
      4. Reference
  9. Part Two: M2M Architecture and Protocols
    1. Chapter 4: M2M Requirements and High-Level Architectural Principles
      1. 4.1 Introduction
      2. 4.2 Use-Case-Driven Approach to M2M Requirements
      3. 4.3 Smart Metering Approach in ETSI M2M
      4. 4.4 eHealth Approach in ETSI M2M
      5. 4.5 ETSI M2M Service Requirements: High-Level Summary and Applicability to Different Market Segments
      6. 4.6 Traffic Models-/Characteristics-Approach to M2M Requirements and Considerations for Network Architecture Design
      7. 4.7 Description of M2M Market Segments/Applications
      8. 4.8 M2M Traffic Characterization
      9. 4.9 High-Level Architecture Principles for M2M Communications
      10. 4.10 Chapter Conclusions
      11. References
    2. Chapter 5: ETSI M2M Services Architecture
      1. 5.1 Introduction
      2. 5.2 High-Level System Architecture
      3. 5.3 ETSI TC M2M Service Capabilities Framework
      4. 5.4 ETSI TC M2M Release 1 Scenarios
      5. 5.5 ETSI M2M Service Capabilities
      6. 5.6 Introducing REST Architectural Style for M2M
      7. 5.7 ETSI TC M2M Resource-Based M2M Communication and Procedures
      8. 5.8 Chapter Conclusion
      9. References
    3. Chapter 6: M2M Optimizations in Public Mobile Networks
      1. 6.1 Chapter Overview
      2. 6.2 M2M Over a Telecommunications Network
      3. 6.3 Network Optimizations for M2M
      4. References
    4. Chapter 7: The Role of IP in M2M*
      1. 7.1 Introduction
      2. 7.2 IPv6 for M2M
      3. 7.3 6LoWPAN
      4. 7.4 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL)
      5. 7.5 CoRE
      6. References
    5. Chapter 8: M2M Security
      1. 8.1 Introduction
      2. 8.2 Trust Relationships in the M2M Ecosystem
      3. 8.3 Security Requirements
      4. 8.4 Which Types of Solutions are Suitable?
      5. 8.5 Standardization Efforts on Securing M2M and MTC Communications
      6. References
    6. Chapter 9: M2M Terminals and Modules
      1. 9.1 M2M Module Categorization
      2. 9.2 Hardware Interfaces
      3. 9.3 Temperature and Durability
      4. 9.4 Services
      5. 9.5 Software Interface
      6. 9.6 Cellular Certification
    7. Chapter 10: Smart Cards in M2M Communication
      1. 10.1 Introduction
      2. 10.2 Security and Privacy Issues in M2M Communication
      3. 10.3 The Grounds for Hardware-Based Security Solutions
      4. 10.4 Independent Secure Elements and Trusted Environments
      5. 10.5 Specific Smart Card Properties for M2M Environments
      6. 10.6 Smart Card Future Evolutions in M2M Environments
      7. 10.7 Remote Administration of M2M Secure Elements
      8. References
  10. Part Three: Book Conclusions and Future Vision
    1. Chapter 11: Conclusions
  11. Index

Product information

  • Title: M2M Communications: A Systems Approach
  • Author(s): David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, Olivier Hersent
  • Release date: March 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119994756