Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Panther Edition

Book description

Apple says that Mac OS X 10.3 introduces 150 new features--but that's not really true. In fact, "Panther" includes many more than that. It's faster, more polished, and much more efficient. But it still comes without a manual. With 300,000 copies in print, the first two versions of this book became industry bestsellers. Now David Pogue brings his humor and expertise to this completely rewritten, greatly expanded edition. It covers:

  • Getting started. The early chapters demystify the Dock, windows, and the unfamiliar Mac OS X folder structure--an ideal introduction.

  • New technologies. Mac OS X 10.3 brings breakthroughs in window management (Expose, the Sidebar); security (File Vault, Secure Empty Trash); and productivity (faxing, Fast User Switching).

  • Bonus software. Panther comes with over 50 free programs--and this book gives you expertise in all of them. This beefed-up edition includes all-new mini-manuals on iMovie, iDVD, iPhoto, iChat AV, and Safari.

  • Basics of Unix. You can completely ignore Panther's Unix core. But if the command line intrigues you, this book offers a gentle introduction.

  • Finding familiar features. Two "Where'd It Go?" Dictionaries make it easy for Mac OS 9 and Windows refugees to look up a traditional feature--and find out where it went in Mac OS X 10.3.

As always, Mac OS X: The Missing Manual offers warm, witty writing, and bursts with the shortcuts, surprises, and design touches that make the Mac the most passionately championed computer in the world.

Table of contents

  1. Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Panther Edition
    1. The Missing Credits
      1. About the Author
      2. About the Creative Team
      3. Acknowledgments
        1. The Missing Manual Series
    2. Introduction
      1. What’s New in Panther
      2. About This Book
        1. About the Outline
      3. About These Arrows
        1. About
      4. The Very Basics
    3. I. The Mac OS X Desktop
      1. 1. Folders and Windows
        1. Getting into Mac OS X
          1. Logging In
          2. The Elements of the Mac OS X Desktop
            1. Disk icons
            2. The Dock
            3. The menu
            4. The menu bar
        2. Windows and How to Work Them
          1. The Sidebar
            1. Fine-tuning the Sidebar
          2. Title Bar
          3. Close Button
          4. Minimize Button
          5. Zoom Button
          6. The Folder Proxy Icon
          7. The Finder Toolbar
          8. “Old Finder Mode” (Hiding the Toolbar)
            1. The Toolbar Disclosure button
            2. Leaving Old Finder Mode
          9. Scroll Bars
          10. Resize Handle
          11. Status Bar
        3. The Three Window Views
        4. Icon View
          1. Icon View Options
            1. Choosing icon sizes
            2. Text size
            3. Windows XP-style labeling
            4. “Show item info”
            5. “Show icon preview”
            6. Window backgrounds
          2. Keeping Icons Neat and Sorted
        5. List View
          1. Sorting the List
          2. Flippy Triangles
          3. Which Columns Appear
          4. Other View Options
          5. Rearranging Columns
          6. Adjusting Column Widths
        6. Column View
          1. Column View by Keyboard
          2. Manipulating the Columns
          3. View Options
        7. Logging Out, Shutting Down
          1. Sleep Mode
          2. Restart
          3. Shut Down
          4. Log Out
        8. Getting Help in Mac OS X
      2. 2. Organizing Your Stuff
        1. The Mac OS X Folder Structure
          1. Your Home Folder
          2. What’s in Your Hard Drive Window
          3. What’s in Your Home Folder
        2. Icon Names
        3. Selecting Icons
          1. Selecting by Clicking
          2. Selecting Icons from the Keyboard
        4. Moving and Copying Icons
          1. Copying by Dragging
          2. Copying by Using Copy and Paste
          3. Spring-Loaded Folders: Dragging Icons into Closed Folders
          4. Making Spring-Loaded Folders Work
        5. Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once
          1. What’s Good about Aliases
          2. Broken Aliases
        6. Color Labels
          1. What Labels Are Good For
          2. Changing Labels
        7. The Trash
          1. Rescuing Files and Folders from the Trash
          2. Emptying the Trash I: Quick and Easy
          3. Emptying the Trash II: Secure and Forever
          4. Locked Files: The Next Generation
        8. Get Info
          1. Uni-window vs. Multi-window
          2. The Get Info Panels
        9. Finding Files 1: The Search Bar
          1. The Search Bar
          2. Performing the Search
            1. Step 1: Where to look
            2. Step 2: What to find
          3. What to Do with Search Results
            1. Find out where something is
            2. Go back where you began
            3. Open the file (or open one of the folders it’s in)
            4. Move or delete the file
            5. Rename the file
            6. File-menu commands
            7. Adjust the list
            8. Copy a file
            9. Make an alias
            10. Start over
            11. Give up
        10. Finding Files 2: The Find Window
          1. Where to Look
          2. What to Look For
            1. Name
            2. Content
            3. Date created, date modified
            4. Kind
            5. Label
            6. Size
            7. Extension
            8. Visibility
            9. Type, Creator
          3. Step 3: Find the Files, and Use Them
      3. 3. Dock, Desktop, and Toolbar
        1. The Dock
        2. Setting Up the Dock
          1. Organizing and Removing Dock Icons
          2. Three Ways to Get the Dock out of Your Hair
            1. Auto-hiding the Dock
            2. Shrinking and enlarging the Dock
            3. Moving the Dock to the sides of the screen
        3. Using the Dock
          1. Switch Applications
          2. Operate the Dock by Keyboard Control
          3. Secret Menus
          4. Great Things to Put on Your Dock
        4. The Finder Toolbar
          1. Removing or Shrinking the Toolbar
          2. Adding Your Own Icons to the Toolbar
            1. Apple’s toolbar-icon collection
            2. Adding your own stuff
          3. Rearranging or Removing Toolbar Icons
        5. Designing Your Desktop
          1. System Preferences
          2. Graphic Designers’ Corner: The Gray Look
          3. Desktop Sounds
        6. Menulets: The Missing Manual
    4. II. Applications in Mac OS X
      1. 4. Programs and Documents
        1. Launching Mac OS X Programs
          1. The Application Menu
          2. Quitting Programs
          3. Force Quitting Programs
        2. The “Heads-Up” Program Switcher
        3. Exposé: Death to Window Clutter
          1. Three Ways to Exposé
            1. Find one window in the current program
            2. Return to the desktop
            3. Another way to Exposé
          2. Three Triggers for Exposé
            1. Screen corners
            2. Keystrokes
            3. Multiple-button mouse clicks
        4. Hiding Programs the Old-Fashioned Way
          1. Hiding the Program You’re Using
          2. Hiding All Other Programs
          3. The Bring-Forward, Hide-All-Others Trick
          4. Hiding (Minimizing) Individual Windows
        5. How Documents Know Their Parents
          1. Type and Creator Codes
          2. File Name Extensions
          3. Hiding and Showing File Name Extensions
          4. Reassigning Documents to Programs
            1. Reassigning a certain document—just once
            2. Reassigning a certain document—permanently
            3. Reassigning all documents of this type
        6. Keyboard Control
          1. Control the Menus
          2. Control the Dock
          3. Cycle Through Your Windows
          4. Control the Toolbar
          5. Control Tool Palettes
          6. Control Dialog Boxes
          7. Changing a Menu Command
        7. The Save and Open Dialog Boxes
          1. Sheets
          2. Simplified Navigation
          3. Column View/List View Navigation
          4. Insta-Jumping to a Folder Location
          5. The File Format Pop-up Menu
          6. The Open File Dialog Box
        8. Three Kinds of Programs: Cocoa, Carbon, Classic
        9. The Cocoa Difference
          1. The Font Panel
          2. Title Bar Tricks
          3. Services
            1. Finder
            2. Grab
            3. Import Image
            4. Mail
            5. Make New Sticky Note
            6. Open URL
            7. Script Editor
            8. Search with Google
            9. Send File to Bluetooth Device
            10. Speech
            11. Summarize
            12. TextEdit
          4. Toolbar Tricks
          5. Secret Keyboard Shortcuts
          6. Background Window Control
        10. Installing Mac OS X Programs
          1. .sit, .zip, .tar, and .gz
          2. Disk Images (.dmg files)
          3. Cleaning Up after Decompression
          4. Performing the Installation
          5. Uninstalling Software
      2. 5. Back to Mac OS 9
        1. Two Roads to Mac OS 9
        2. Classic: Mac OS 9 on Mac OS X
          1. How to Start Classic
            1. Double-click a Mac OS 9 program
            2. Launch it manually
            3. Open Classic from the Menulet
            4. Start up Classic automatically
          2. What to Expect from Classic
          3. Getting Out of Classic
          4. Specifying a Classic System Folder
          5. Controlling Classic Startup
            1. Summoning Extensions Manager
            2. Extensions and control panels to turn off
            3. Extensions to leave on
            4. “Holding down” keys during startup
        3. Restarting in Mac OS 9
          1. Dual Booting the Long Way
            1. Switching from X to 9
            2. Switching from 9 to X: The Long Way
        4. Three Tricks for Faster Switching
          1. The X Key Trick (From 9 to X)
          2. The D Key Trick (From X to 9)
          3. The Option Key Trick
          4. Separate System Folders for Classic and Rebooting
            1. Maintaining a single Mac OS 9 System Folder
            2. Maintaining two different Mac OS 9 System Folders
      3. 6. Moving Data
        1. Moving Data Between Documents
          1. Cut, Copy, and Paste
          2. Drag-and-Drop
            1. When to use drag-and-drop
            2. Using drag-and-drop to the desktop
          3. Export/Import
        2. Exchanging Data with Other Macs
          1. By Network
          2. By CD or DVD
          3. FireWire Disk Mode
          4. Via the iPod
          5. Via Flash Drive
          6. Via Bluetooth
            1. Sending a file
          7. Fetching a file
        3. Exchanging Data with Windows PCs
          1. Preparing the Document for Transfer
            1. Is the document in a file format Windows understands?
            2. Does the file have the correct three-letter file name suffix?
          2. Notes on Disk Swapping
            1. How the Mac reads Windows disks
            2. Creating a Windows disk on the Mac
          3. Network Notes
          4. Via the Internet
      4. 7. AppleScript
        1. Running Ready-Made AppleScripts
          1. Address Book Scripts
          2. Basics
          3. ColorSync
          4. Finder Scripts
          5. Folder Actions
          6. Folder Action Scripts
          7. FontSync Scripts
          8. Info Scripts
          9. Internet Services
          10. Mail Scripts
          11. Navigation Scripts
          12. Script Editor Scripts
          13. Sherlock Scripts
          14. UI Element Scripts
          15. URLs
        2. Creating Your Own AppleScripts
        3. Recording Scripts in “Watch Me” Mode
          1. A Simple Auto-Recorded Script
          2. AppleScript Commands
            1. tell application “Finder”
            2. activate
            3. make new folder at folder “Desktop” of folder “chris” of folder “Users” of startup disk with properties {name:"untitled folder"}
            4. set name of folder “untitled folder” of folder “Desktop” of folder “chris” of folder “Users” of startup disk to “Today’s Backup”
            5. make new Finder window to folder “Today’s Backup” of folder “Desktop” of folder “chris” of folder “Users” of startup disk
            6. set current view of Finder window 1 to list view
            7. set bounds of Finder window 1 to {10, 93, 417, 482}
            8. set position of Finder window 1 to {11, 453}
            9. end tell
        4. Saving a Script
        5. Writing Commands by Hand
          1. Scriptable Programs
          2. Two Sample Scripts
            1. Example 1: Auto-backup before shutting down
            2. Example 2: Universal Shutdown
        6. Folder Actions
          1. Attaching and Removing Folder Actions
          2. What They’re Good For
        7. Advanced AppleScript
          1. Where to Learn More
    5. III. The Components of Mac OS X
      1. 8. System Preferences
        1. The System Preferences Window
        2. .Mac
        3. Accounts
        4. Appearance
          1. Changing Colors
          2. Tweaking the Scroll Bars
          3. Number of Recent Items
          4. Font Smoothing Style
          5. Turning Off Smoothing on Tiny Fonts
        5. Bluetooth
        6. CDs & DVDs
        7. Classic
        8. Date & Time
          1. Date & Time tab
          2. Time Zone tab
          3. Clock tab
        9. Desktop & Screen Saver
          1. Desktop
            1. Using your own pix
            2. Making the picture fit
            3. Auto-picture changing
          2. Screen Saver
            1. Activating the screen saver
        10. Displays
          1. Display Tab
          2. Geometry Tab
          3. Arrange Tab
          4. Color Tab
        11. Dock
        12. Energy Saver
          1. Sleep Tab
          2. Laptop Options
          3. Scheduled Startup and Shutdown
          4. Waking and Other Options
        13. Exposé
        14. International
          1. Another Language—Instantly
          2. Input Menu Tab
          3. Keyboard Viewer: The Return of Key Caps
            1. Change the Keyboard Viewer font
        15. Keyboard & Mouse
          1. Keyboard Tab
          2. Mouse Tab
          3. Bluetooth Tab
          4. Trackpad Tab
          5. Keyboard Shortcuts
        16. Network
        17. Print & Fax
        18. QuickTime
        19. Security
        20. Sharing
        21. Software Update
          1. Update Software Tab
          2. Installed Updates Tab
        22. Sound
          1. Sound Effects Tab
          2. Output Tab
          3. Input Tab
        23. Speech
        24. Startup Disk
        25. Universal Access
          1. Seeing Tab (Magnifying the Screen)
          2. Hearing Tab (Flashing the Screen)
          3. Keyboard Tab (Typing Assistance)
          4. Mouse Tab (Cursor Control from the Keyboard)
      2. 9. The Free Programs
        1. Your Free Mac OS X Programs
        2. Address Book
        3. AppleScript
        4. Calculator
          1. Conversions
        5. Chess
          1. Playing a Game of Chess
          2. Chess Preferences
          3. Saving Your Games
        6. DVD Player
        7. Font Book
        8. iCal, iChat, iSync
        9. iDVD 3
          1. Phase 1: Insert Chapter Markers
          2. Phase 2: Hand Off to iDVD
          3. Phase 3: Design the Menu Screen
          4. Phase 4: Edit Titles and Buttons
            1. Button images and button videos
          5. Phase 5: Burning Your DVD
        10. Image Capture
          1. Download To
          2. Automatic Task
          3. Download Some, Download All
          4. Downloading from Across the Network
          5. Downloading from Across the Internet
          6. Image Capture as Web Spycam
          7. Scanning
        11. iMovie
          1. Phase 1: Set Up iMovie 3
          2. Phase 2: Import Camcorder Footage
            1. How iMovie organizes its files
          3. Phase 3: Arrange the Clips
          4. Phase 4: Assemble the Movie
            1. Play as you go
          5. Phase 5: Transitions, Effects, Titles, Audio, and Photos
            1. Effects
            2. Titles and credits
            3. Audio
            4. Photos
          6. Phase 6: Meet Your Public
        12. Internet Connect
        13. Internet Explorer
        14. iPhoto
          1. Importing Pictures
          2. Organizing Photos
            1. The Last Import film roll
            2. Opening photos
            3. Deleting Photos
            4. Albums
            5. Deleting photos or albums
          3. Sharing Your Pix
            1. Print
            2. Slideshow
            3. Email
            4. Order prints
            5. Order book
            6. Home Page
            7. .Mac slides
            8. Desktop
            9. Burn
        15. iSync
        16. iTunes
        17. Mail
        18. Preview
          1. Preview as Graphics Viewer
            1. Cropping graphics
            2. Converting file formats
            3. The Thumbnails drawer
          2. Preview as PDF Reader
          3. The Toolbar
        19. QuickTime Player
        20. Safari
        21. Sherlock
        22. Stickies
          1. Creating Sticky Notes
          2. Growing and Shrinking Notes
          3. Formatting Notes
          4. Saving Sticky Notes
        23. System Preferences
        24. TextEdit
          1. Setting up TextEdit
          2. TextEdit’s Two Personalities
          3. Working in TextEdit
          4. Style Sheets
          5. The TextEdit Preferences
          6. TextEdit’s Other Writing Tools
        25. Utilities: Your Mac OS X Toolbox
          1. Activity Monitor
            1. The Processes table
            2. The System monitor tabs
          2. AirPort Admin Utility
          3. AirPort Setup Assistant
          4. Asia Text Extras
          5. Audio MIDI Setup
          6. Bluetooth File Exchange
          7. Bluetooth Serial Utility
          8. Bluetooth Setup Assistant
          9. ColorSync Utility
          10. Console
          11. DigitalColor Meter
          12. Directory Access
          13. Disk Utility
            1. Disk Utility, the hard drive-repair program
            2. Disk Utility, the disk-image program
            3. Turning an image into a CD
          14. Grab
          15. Installer
          16. Java
            1. Applet Launcher
            2. Java Plugin Settings
            3. Java Web Start
          17. Keychain Access
          18. NetInfo Manager
          19. Network Utility
          20. ODBC Administrator
          21. Printer Setup Utility
          22. StuffIt Expander
          23. System Profiler
            1. Saving a report
          24. Terminal
      3. 10. CDs, DVDs, and iTunes
        1. How the Mac Does Disks
          1. Disks Today
            1. Hard drives and the iPod
            2. CDs
            3. DVDs
            4. Flash drives
          2. Disks In, Disks Out
          3. Startup Disks
            1. Creating a startup disk
            2. Selecting a startup disk
          4. Erasing a Disk
        2. Burning CDs and DVDs
        3. iTunes: The Digital Jukebox
          1. MP3 Files and Company
          2. Audio CDs
          3. The iPod
          4. The iTunes Music Store
            1. Buying music
            2. Restrictions
          5. Playing Music
          6. Playing with Playback
            1. Turning on visuals
            2. Keyboard control
            3. Playing with the graphic equalizer
            4. Preventing ear-blast syndrome
          7. Copying (Ripping) CD Songs to Your Hard Drive
          8. Playlists and Smart Playlists
            1. Creating playlists
            2. Playing with criteria
          9. iTunes: Burning Music CDs
        4. DVD Movies
          1. Playing a Movie
          2. Language Fun
          3. The Big Picture
    6. IV. The Technologies of Mac OS X
      1. 11. Security and Accounts
        1. Introducing Accounts
        2. Administrator vs. Standard Accounts
          1. Administrator Accounts
          2. Standard Accounts
        3. Creating an Account
          1. Phase 1: Name the Account
          2. Phase 2: Choose a Picture
          3. Phase 3: Security—and FileVault
          4. Phase 4: Build the Rubber Room
            1. No Limits
            2. Some Limits
            3. Simple Finder
          5. Phase 5: Startup Items
          6. Editing Accounts
          7. Deleting Accounts
        4. Setting Up the Login/Logout Process
          1. Login Options
          2. Logout Options
        5. Signing In
          1. Identifying Yourself
          2. Your World
          3. The Shared Folder
          4. Changing Permissions
        6. Logging Out
        7. Fast User Switching
        8. The Root Account
      2. 12. Networking
        1. Wiring the Network
          1. Ethernet Networks
          2. AirPort Networks
          3. FireWire Networks
        2. File Sharing
          1. Setting up the Computers
            1. Setting up a Mac OS X machine
          2. Connection Method A: The Sidebar
          3. Connection Method B: Connect to Server
          4. What You Can Do Once You’re In
          5. If You’re a Guest
          6. If You’re a Standard Account Holder
          7. If You’re an Administrator
          8. Disconnecting Yourself
          9. Disconnecting Others
          10. Advanced Permissions Control
            1. Changing access permissions for a file or folder
        3. Networking with Windows
          1. Seated at the Mac: Seeing the PC
          2. Seated at the PC: Seeing the Mac
          3. More Mac-Windows Connections
        4. Managing Groups
          1. Creating Groups
            1. Defining and naming the group
            2. Adding people to the new group
          2. Assigning Groups
        5. Dialing In from the Road
        6. Forgettable Passwords: The Keychain
          1. Locking and Unlocking the Keychain
          2. Managing Keychains
          3. Multiple Keychains
          4. Keychain Files
      3. 13. Printing, Faxing, Fonts, and Graphics
        1. Mac Meets Printer
        2. Making the Printout
          1. Page Setup
          2. The Print Command
          3. Printing
        3. Managing Printouts
        4. Printer Sharing
        5. Faxing
          1. Setting Up Faxing
          2. Sending a Fax
          3. Receiving a Fax
        6. PDF Files
          1. Opening PDF Files
          2. Creating PDF Files
        7. Fonts—and Font Book
          1. Where Fonts Live
          2. Font Book: Installing and Managing Fonts
            1. Looking over your fonts
            2. Eliminating duplicates
            3. Adding, removing, and hiding fonts
            4. Font collections
          3. The Font panel
            1. Choosing fonts from the Font panel
            2. Designing collections and favorites
        8. Font Fuzziness on the Screen
        9. ColorSync
          1. Getting ColorSync Profiles
          2. Default Profiles
          3. More on ColorSync
        10. Graphics in Mac OS X
          1. Graphics Formats in Mac OS X
        11. Screen-Capture Keystrokes
      4. 14. Sound, Movies, Speech, and Handwriting
        1. Playing Sounds
          1. Controlling the Volume
          2. Alert Beeps and You
            1. Choosing an alert beep
            2. Adding new alert beeps
        2. Recording Sound
          1. Making the Recording
            1. The iMovie method
            2. The shareware method
        3. QuickTime Movies
          1. QuickTime Player
            1. Playing movies with QuickTime Player
            2. Hidden controls
            3. Fancy playback tricks
          2. QuickTime TV (Internet Streaming)
            1. Streaming video from your browser
            2. Streaming video in QuickTime Player
            3. Manipulating your Favorites
          3. QuickTime Player Pro
            1. Selecting footage
            2. Pasting footage
            3. Saving the flnished movie
            4. Exporting the flnished work
            5. Compression and special effects
        4. Speech Recognition
          1. Your First Conversation with the Mac
            1. The Feedback window
            2. The Speakable Commands window
            3. Speaking to the Mac
          2. Customizing Speech Recognition
            1. Changing when the Mac listens
            2. Changing the feedback
            3. Triggering menus by voice
            4. Improving the PlainTalk vocabulary
            5. Application-speciflc commands
            6. PlainTalk tips, tricks, and troubleshooting
        5. The Mac Talks Back
          1. Setting Up the Mac’s Voice
          2. Programs That Already Talk
          3. The Chatty Mac
            1. When an alert message appears onscreen
            2. When an application requires your attention
            3. When your cursor passes over some text
            4. When a key is pressed
        6. Ink: Handwriting Recognition
          1. Write Anywhere
          2. Writing vs. Mousing
          3. The Ink Pad
          4. Improving Ink
          5. Gestures
          6. Editing Your Transcriptions
      5. 15. Terminal: Doorway to Unix
        1. Terminal
          1. Unix Programs
        2. Navigating in Unix
          1. pwd (print working directory, or “Where am I?”)
          2. ls (list, or “What’s in here?”)
            1. About flags
          3. cd (change directory, or “Let me see another folder”)
          4. . and .. (dot and dot-dot, or “Back me out”)
          5. Keystroke-Saving Features
            1. Tab completion
            2. Using the history
            3. Wildcards
            4. Directory switching
            5. The ~ shortcut
            6. Special keys
        3. Working with Files and Directories
          1. cp (copy)
            1. Copying in place
            2. Copying and renaming
            3. Copying without renaming
            4. Multiple files
          2. mv: Moving and Renaming Files and Directories
            1. Moving files and directories
            2. Option flags
          3. mkdir: Creating New Directories
          4. touch: Creating Empty Files
          5. rm: Removing Files and Directories
          6. srm: Secure Removal
          7. echo: The Safety Net
        4. Online Help
          1. Using man
          2. Other Online Help
        5. Terminal’s Window Preferences
          1. Window Settings
            1. Shell
            2. Processes
            3. Emulation
            4. Buffer
            5. Display
            6. Color
            7. Window
            8. Keyboard
          2. Connect to Server
        6. Terminal Tips and Tricks
          1. Switching Windows
          2. Default .term File
        7. Double-Clickable Unix Tools
      6. 16. Fun with Unix
        1. Changing Permissions with Terminal
          1. Looking at Permissions
          2. File-Mode Code
          3. Group Detective Work
            1. chmod (Change Mode)
          4. Permission to Change Permissions
            1. sudo
          5. Protecting Files En Masse
        2. Enabling the Root Account
        3. Nine Useful Unix Utilities
          1. bc
          2. kill
          3. open
          4. ps
          5. shutdown
          6. gnutar, gzip, zip
          7. top
        4. Where to Go from Here
          1. Aliases
            1. pico, emacs, vim
            2. date
            3. grep
            4. find
            5. cron
            6. curl
            7. sips
            8. telnet, ftp
        5. Putting It Together
      7. 17. Hacking Mac OS X
        1. TinkerTool: Customization 101
        2. Redoing Mac OS X’s Graphics
          1. Editing the Trash and Finder Icons
          2. Replacing the Poof
          3. The Startup and Login Screens
          4. Editing Your Menulets
        3. Replacing the Finder Icons
        4. Rewriting the Words
          1. Renaming the Trash
          2. Rewording the Dock
    7. V. Mac OS X Online
      1. 18. Internet Setup, Firewall, and .Mac
        1. The Best News You’ve Heard All Day
        2. Connecting by Dial-up Modem
          1. The PPP Tab
          2. The Other Tabs
          3. Going Online
          4. Disconnecting
        3. Broadband Connections
          1. Automatic Configuration
          2. Manual Configuration
        4. AirPort Networks
        5. The Firewall
        6. Switching Locations
          1. Creating a New Location
          2. Making the Switch
        7. Multihoming
        8. Internet Sharing
          1. Turning on Internet Sharing
          2. The Software Base Station Effect
        9. .Mac Services
          1. Signing Up for .Mac
          2. iDisk
            1. Pulling it onto your screen
            2. Making the iDisk fast and synchronized
            3. The Public folder
            4. iDisk Options
          3. Email
          4. HomePage
          5. Backup
        10. Internet Location Files
      2. 19. Mail and Address Book
        1. Setting Up Mail
        2. Checking Your Mail
          1. The Mailbox Drawer
        3. Writing Messages
          1. Attaching Files to Messages
          2. Signatures
        4. Reading Email
          1. Threading
          2. Adding the Sender to Your Address Book
          3. Opening Attachments
            1. When attachments don’t open
          4. Replying to a Message
          5. Forwarding Messages
          6. Redirecting Messages
          7. Printing Messages
          8. Filing Messages
          9. Flagging Messages
          10. Finding Messages
            1. Finding messages within a mailbox
            2. Finding text within an open message
          11. Deleting Messages
            1. Emptying the Trash folder
            2. Method 2: Deleted mail turns invisible
          12. Using Message Rules
            1. Setting up message rules
        5. The Anti-Spam Toolkit
          1. Using the Junk Mail Filter
          2. More Anti-Spam Options
        6. Address Book
          1. Creating Address Cards
            1. Editing an address
            2. Adding addresses from Mail
          2. Importing Addresses
            1. About vCards
          3. Adding Pictures
            1. Replacing and removing a picture
          4. Groups
            1. Removing someone from a group
          5. Finding an Address
          6. Changing the Address Book Display
          7. Printing Options
          8. Addresses
          9. Address Book and Bluetooth
            1. Getting Bluetooth-enabled
            2. Dialing with Address Book
            3. Receiving calls
      3. 20. Panther’s Internet Software Suite
        1. Sherlock
          1. Internet
          2. Pictures
          3. Stocks
          4. Movies
          5. Phone Book
          6. eBay
          7. Flights
          8. Dictionary
          9. Translation
          10. AppleCare
        2. iChat AV
          1. Two Chat Networks
          2. Signing Up
            1. A Free .Mac Account
            2. An AIM Account
          3. The Buddy List
          4. Making a List
            1. Mysteriously self-appearing names
          5. Let the Chat Begin
            1. They invite you
            2. You invite them
          6. Text Chatting
            1. In-chat fun
            2. Popping the Balloons
          7. Audio and Video Chats
          8. iChat Tweaks
        3. iCal
          1. Working with Views
          2. Making an Appointment
            1. The easy way
            2. The long way
          3. What to Do with an Appointment
            1. Editing events
            2. Rescheduling events
            3. Lengthening or shortening events
            4. Printing events
            5. Deleting events
          4. Searching for Events
          5. The “Calendar” Category Concept
          6. “Publishing” Calendars to the Web
            1. Publishing
            2. Subscribing
          7. To Do Lists
        4. iSync
        5. Safari
          1. Browsing Basics and Toolbars
          2. Safari Toolbars
            1. Address Bar
            2. Bookmarks bar
          3. Status Bar
          4. Tips for Better Surfing
            1. SnapBack
            2. Stifle pop-ups and pop-unders
            3. Impersonating Internet Explorer
            4. Where am I?
            5. Faster browsing without graphics
            6. Viewing Web pages offline
            7. Designate your home page
            8. Return to the past
          5. Tabbed Browsing
      4. 21. SSH, FTP, VPN, and Web Sharing
        1. Web Sharing
          1. Firing Up Personal Web Sharing
          2. The Mac’s Own Web Site
          3. The Easiest Way to Distribute Files
          4. Browser Navigation of Your Own Mac
          5. More on Apache
        2. FTP
          1. Uploading and Downloading from FTP Sites
          2. Just Downloading from FTP Sites
          3. Becoming an FTP Server
        3. Connecting from the Road
        4. Remote Access with SSH
          1. Getting In
          2. Remote Control Program Killing
        5. Virtual Private Networking
          1. Making the VPN Connection
          2. The Fine Points of VPN
    8. VI. Appendices
      1. A. Installing Mac OS X 10.3
        1. Getting Ready to Install
          1. The Partitioning Question
          2. How to Partition
        2. Four Kinds of Installation
        3. The Basic Installation
          1. Phase 1: The Installer
        4. The Upgrade Installation
        5. The Clean Install
        6. The Setup Assistant
        7. Uninstalling Mac OS X 10.3
      2. B. Troubleshooting
        1. Problems That Aren’t Problems
        2. Minor Eccentric Behavior
          1. First Resort: Repair Permissions
          2. Second Resort: Look for an Update
          3. Third Resort: Toss the Prefs File
          4. Fourth Resort: Log Out
          5. Last Resort: Trash and Reinstall the Program
        3. Frozen Programs (Force Quitting)
        4. The Wrong Program Opens
        5. Can’t Empty the Trash
        6. Can’t Move or Rename an Icon
        7. Application Won’t Open
        8. Startup Problems
          1. Kernel Panic
          2. Safe Mode (Safe Boot)
          3. Gray Screen During Startup
          4. Blue Screen During Startup
          5. Forgotten Password
        9. Fixing the Disk
          1. Method 1: Disk Utility
          2. Method 2: fsck at the Console
            1. Single-user mode (-S at startup)
        10. Where to Get Troubleshooting Help
          1. Help Online
          2. Help by Telephone
      3. C. The “Where’d It Go?” Dictionary (Mac Version)
        1. ~ATM control panel
        2. Appearance control panel
        3. Apple DVD Player
        4. Apple Extras
        5. Apple () menu
        6. Apple Menu Options control panel
        7. AppleCD Audio Player
        8. AppleScript
        9. AppleTalk control panel
        10. Application menu
        11. Audio CD AutoPlay
        12. Balloon Help
        13. Battery Level
        14. Button View
        15. Chooser
        16. Clean Up command
        17. Click-and-a-half
        18. CloseView
        19. -Drag to scroll an icon-view window
        20. Shift--3, Shift--4
        21. Collapse box
        22. ColorSync control panel
        23. Contextual Menu Items folder
        24. Control panels
        25. Control Strip control panel
        26. Date & Time control panel
        27. Desktop clippings
        28. Desktop printers
        29. Dial Assist control panel
        30. Disk First Aid
        31. Disk icons
        32. Draggable window edges
        33. Drive Setup
        34. Edit menu
        35. Eject
        36. Empty Trash
        37. Encrypt
        38. Energy Saver control panel
        39. Erase Disk
        40. Extensions
        41. Extensions Manager control panel
        42. Favorites
        43. File Exchange control panel
        44. File menu
        45. File Sharing control panel
        46. File Synchronization control panel
        47. Find Similar Files
        48. Finder (the application)
        49. Finder Preferences
        50. Fonts folder
        51. FontSync
        52. Force quitting
        53. General Controls control panel
        54. Get Info
        55. Graphing Calculator
        56. Grid Spacing
        57. Help menu
        58. Hide commands
        59. Info Strip
        60. Infrared control panel
        61. Internet control panel
        62. Internet Utilities
        63. iTunes
        64. Key Caps
        65. Keyboard control panel
        66. Keychain Access control panel
        67. Label command
        68. Launcher control panel
        69. Location Manager
        70. Locked
        71. Mac Help
        72. Mac OS Runtime for Java
        73. Map control panel
        74. Memory control panel
        75. Modem control panel
        76. Monitors control panel
        77. Mouse control panel
        78. Multiple Users control panel
        79. New Folder command
        80. Note Pad
        81. Numbers control panel
        82. Open Transport
        83. Picture 1, Picture 2...
        84. Pop-up windows
        85. Preferences folder
        86. PrintMonitor
        87. Put Away command
        88. QuickTime Settings control panel
        89. Quit command
        90. Remote Access
        91. Reset Column Positions
        92. Restart
        93. Script Editor
        94. Scripting Additions
        95. Search Internet
        96. Security
        97. Select New Original
        98. Set to Standard Views
        99. Sherlock
        100. Show All
        101. Show Clipboard
        102. Show warning before emptying Trash
        103. Shut Down
        104. Shutdown Items
        105. Simple Finder
        106. SimpleSound
        107. SimpleText
        108. Size box
        109. Sleep
        110. Smart scrolling
        111. Software Update control panel
        112. Sorting triangle
        113. Sound control panel
        114. Special menu
        115. Speech control panel
        116. Spring-loaded folders
        117. Startup Disk control panel
        118. Startup Items
        119. Stationery Pad
        120. Stickies
        121. Systemfile
        122. System Folder
        123. TCP/IP control panel
        124. TCP/IP, AppleTalk
        125. Text control panel
        126. Trackpad
        127. USB Printer Sharing
        128. View menu
        129. View Options
        130. Warn before emptying
        131. Web Pages folder
        132. Web Sharing control panel
        133. Window collapsing
        134. Zoom box
      4. D. The “Where’d It Go?” Dictionary (Windows Version)
        1. About [This Program]
        2. Accessibility Options control panel
        3. Active Desktop
        4. Add Hardware control panel
        5. Add or Remove Programs control panel
        6. All Programs
        7. Alt key
        8. Automatic Update
        9. Backspace key
        10. Battery Level
        11. BIOS
        12. Briefcase
        13. Calculator
        14. Camera and Scanner Wizard
        15. CDs
        16. Character Map
        17. Clean Install
        18. Clipboard
        19. Command line
        20. Control Panel
        21. Copy, Cut, Paste
        22. Ctrl key
        23. Date and Time
        24. Delete Key (Forward Delete
        25. Desktop
        26. Directories
        27. Disk Defragmenter
        28. Disks
        29. Display control panel
        30. DLL files
        31. DOS prompt
        32. Drivers
        33. End Task dialog box
        34. Exiting programs
        35. Explorer
        36. Favorites
        37. Faxing
        38. File Sharing
        39. Floppy Disks
        40. Folder Options
        41. Fonts
        42. Help and Support
        43. Hibernation
        44. Internet Explorer
        45. Internet Options
        46. IRQs
        47. Java
        48. Keyboard control panel
        49. Logging in
        50. Mail control panel
        51. Maximize button
        52. Menus
        53. Minimize button
        54. Mouse control panel
        55. My Computer
        56. My Documents, My Pictures, My Music
        57. My Network Places
        58. Network Neighborhood
        59. Notepad
        60. Personal Web Server
        61. Phone and Modem Options control panel
        62. Power Options
        63. Printer Sharing
        64. Printers and Faxes
        65. PrntScrn key
        66. Program Files folder
        67. Properties dialog box
        68. Recycle Bin
        69. Regional and Language Options control panel
        70. Registry
        71. Run command
        72. Safe Mode
        73. ScanDisk
        74. Scheduled Tasks
        75. Scrap files
        76. Screen saver
        77. Search
        78. Shortcut menus
        79. Shortcuts
        80. Sounds and Audio Devices
        81. Speech control panel
        82. Standby mode
        83. Start menu
        84. StartUp folder
        85. System control panel
        86. System Tray
        87. Taskbar
        88. Taskbar and Start Menu control panel
        89. “Three-fingered salute”
        90. ToolTips
        91. TweakUI
        92. User Accounts control panel
        93. Window edges
        94. Windows (or WINNT) folder
        95. Windows logo key
        96. Windows Media Player
        97. Windows Messenger
        98. WordPad
        99. Zip files
      5. E. Where to Go From Here
        1. Web Sites
          1. Mac OS X
          2. Mac OS X-Style Unix Lessons and Reference
        2. Free Email Newsletters
        3. Advanced Books, Programming Books
          1. Writing Software for Mac OS X
          2. Unix Essentials
          3. OS X Administration
      6. F. The Master Mac OS X Secret Keystroke List
        1. Startup Keystrokes
        2. In the Finder
        3. Power Keys
        4. Managing Programs
    9. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Panther Edition
  • Author(s): David Pogue
  • Release date: December 2003
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596006150