Chapter 2. Exploring the GUI and Personalizing Your Workspace


  • Starting up and logging in

  • Meeting your environment

  • Recognizing the desktop

  • Saving the screen

  • Finding out about the Finder

  • Setting appearance preferences

  • Working with folders, disks and other volumes

  • Looking at the Dock

  • Using Exposé, Dashboard, and Spaces

  • Sleeping, shutting down, restarting, or logging out

This chapter will guide you through the Mac OS X environment. Not since the introduction of Mac OS X has the Mac graphical user interface (GUI, pronounced "gooey") seen such a dramatic change. With an updated Finder, new desktop pictures, and new screen savers, OS X just gets better with each version. Mac OS X consists of windows, menus, icons, and control elements. Apple calls this environment Aqua. It is an elegant, streamlined interface, rich in color and depth; nevertheless, it is possible to get lost as you explore the world of Aqua.

This chapter describes how to use the objects and controls in OS 10.5. You will learn how to open, close, and resize windows; select, move, and modify groups of icons; and delete files, use Apple's undo command, and create optical discs. This chapter discusses Exposé and introduces you to Spaces, Apple's new window management system. Most importantly, the Finder is explored in detail, and you learn how to use Finder-specific windows, menus, and control methods.

You will learn how to trick out your computer by customizing its appearance and behavior, modify the layout of Finder windows, ...

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