

10 Gigabit Ethernet switches, 51

10/100/1000 switches, 51

802.11a/b/g/n standard, 52


A (address) record, 81, 123

About page, editing, 266

access control entity (ACE), 171

ACL (access control lists)

administration permissions, 173

Change Owner permission, 173

Change Permission, 173

Create Files (Write Data) permission, 174

Create Folder (Append Data) permission, 174

Delete permission, 174

Delete Subfolders and Files permission, 174

editing inherited permissions, 176

explicit permissions and inherited permissions used together, 177

folder permissions

removing or adjusting inherited, 196197

setting, 194196

inheritance, 175176

List Folder Contents (Read Data) permission, 174

overview, 167168, 171172

Read Attributes permission, 174

Read Extended Attributes permission, 174

Read Permissions, 174

removing inherited permissions, 176

Server app used to access, 172173

Traverse Folder (Execute File) permission, 174

Write Attributes permission, 174

Write Extended Attributes permission, 174

Active Directory

advanced configuration, 155156

binding your server to, 150155


configuration, checking, 150151

troubleshooting, 161

Kerberos, implementing, 160161

local domain, troubleshooting, 162

Open Directory integration, 147149

overview, 147149

replication, troubleshooting, 162

requirements for, 150

single sign-on, configuring, 160161

time server, troubleshooting, 161

troubleshooting, 161162

Workgroup Manager, managing user groups with, 156159

Active Directory ...

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