Chapter 6. Becoming a Superstar with GarageBand
In This Chapter
Navigating the GarageBand window
Adding tracks and loops to your song
Repeating loops and extending your song
Building arrangements
Adding effects to instruments
Exporting your work to iTunes and iWeb
Burning your song to an audio CD
When I was a kid, I always thought that real rock stars trashed their instruments after a hard night's worth of jamming — you know, like The Who, Led Zeppelin, KISS, and the Rolling Stones. Guitars got set on fire, or pounded into the stage, or thrown into the crowd like beads during a Mardi Gras parade.
I can make my own music now, but you'll never see me trash my instrument! I compose music on my MacBook with GarageBand, Apple's music-making component in the iLife application suite. You can solo on all sorts of instruments, and even add horns, drums, and a funky bass line for backup ...all with absolutely no musical experience (and, in my case, very little talent, to boot)!
Oh, and did I mention that GarageBand '09 also produces podcasts? That's right, you can record your voice and easily create your own show, and then share it with others from your iWeb site! Heck, add photos and video if you like. You'll be the talk of your family and friends and maybe even your Mac user group.
This chapter explains everything you need to know to create your first song (or your first podcast). I also show you how to import your hit record into iTunes so that you can listen to it on your iPod with a big, silly ...
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