Chapter 9
iCloud Is Made for MacBooks
Introducing iCloud
Using your iCloud Drive
Sharing documents with iOS devices by using Handoff
Setting iCloud preferences
Managing iCloud storage
Readers often ask me to name my favorite reasons why they should switch platforms. In other words, why should a Windows user who thinks all is well move to the Apple universe? I always mention the facts that Apple makes superior hardware and that Catalina is a much better operating system than Windows 10. My favorite selling point is innovation. Apple comes up with the best ideas first, and everyone else plays catch-up.
Here’s the perfect example: The folks at Apple got tired of synchronizing their iOS devices with their computers over USB cable. Remember those archaic days? When you took a photo with your iPhone or created a new document with your iPad, your new additions just sat in their original locations until you had a chance to sync your device with your MacBook. But with Apple’s ...
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