Chapter Eight. Medications Affecting the Respiratory System
Medical Term Hot List
✓ Acute
✓ Allergen
✓ Allergen-antibody response
✓ Alveoli
✓ Antibiotic
✓ Anti-inflammatory agent
✓ Antihistamines
✓ Antitussives
✓ Aortic bodies
✓ Arterial blood gases (ABGs)
✓ Arterial carbon dioxide (PACO2)
✓ Arterial oxygen (PAO2)
✓ Asbestosis
✓ Aspiration
✓ Asthma
✓ Atelectasis
✓ Barrel chest
✓ Bronchiectasis
✓ Bronchi
✓ Bronchioles
✓ Bronchitis
✓ Bronchodilators
✓ Bronchospasm
✓ Carbon dioxide (CO2)
✓ Carotid bodies
✓ Cheyne-stokes respiration
✓ Chronic
✓ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
✓ Cilia
✓ Congestion
✓ Corticosteroids
✓ Cough reflex
✓ Cough suppressants
✓ Decongestants
✓ Debilitated
✓ Diaphragm
✓ Diffusion
✓ Dyspnea
✓ Dyspneic
✓ Edema
✓ Epiglottis ...
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