4 Methods of ML Linear Regression


Fuel efficiency is an integral aspect of a motor vehicle's technical specifications, and it holds significant weight for numerous individuals when they are making a car purchase. Various technical specifications, including the vehicle's size and engine capacity, impact its fuel economy. Therefore, it would be advantageous for an automobile manufacturer to forecast fuel efficiency based on other specifications. The objective is to comprehend the correlation between these factors, indicating the need for constructing a model with a transparent formula that can be easily interpreted. Figure 4.1 shows Y , the fuel economy, as a function of multi-variate X so that the machine learner comes up with a formula for Y = f(X) .

Figure 4.1 Expressing the fuel economy of a car, Y, as a function of pertinent variables, X.

Since the fuel economy is a continuous function, the prediction model will be a regression model, unlike the discretized classification model, with the various technical specifications as the predictor variables and fuel economy as the response, as shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Expressing the fuel consumption or price, Y, as a continuous function of X.

Linear Regression Models

Linear regression is a parametric regression technique ...

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