18Predictive Modeling of Anthropomorphic Gamifying Blockchain-Enabled Transitional Healthcare System

Deepa Kumari*, B.S.A.S. Rajita, Medindrao Raja Sekhar, Ritika Garg and Subhrakanta Panda

Dept. of CSIS, BITS-PILANI, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana, India


The research objective is to explore more about anthropomorphic gamifying elements, mostly on how it can be implemented in a Blockchain-enabled transitional healthcare system in a more lucrative manner. Transitional healthcare services belong to that person who is suffering from lifelong conditions such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and/or renal transplant. It is necessary to have organized systems, and on the same side, we need resources in place to assure that all needy experience a lucrative healthcare transition.

Anthropomorphic interfaces completely recognized as applying game elements or logistics into non-gaming contexts such as healthcare, by offering a fun and exciting environment. It is observed that there are very few games or webbased applications suitable to patients practically. Then, there is an interface with Blockchain architecture so that we can have health data security as well as motivation for staying healthy via reward mechanism (i.e., by tokenization of activities).

The conceptual framework is expected to come up with the integration of gamification, anthropomorphism, and Blockchain applications into the transitional healthcare system. Further, the output (reward points) from the organized ...

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