© Nikita Silaparasetty 2020
N. SilaparasettyMachine Learning Concepts with Python and the Jupyter Notebook Environmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5967-2_9

9. Programming with Tensorflow

Nikita Silaparasetty1  
Bangalore, India

So far, we’ve learned how Python can be used for lucrative machine learning with the help of its numerous libraries, which were created for just that purpose. We also know that Jupyter Notebook is a solid development environment that can be used to build and run large programs.

In this chapter, we will take a look at how to program with the help of the TensorFlow library. This chapter deals with the initial TensorFlow release (TensorFlow 1.0), just to get us familiar with how the library used to work before the major ...

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