Chapter 10. kNN: Recommendation Systems
The k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
In the last chapter, we saw how we could use simple correlational techniques to create a measure of similarity between the members of Congress based on their voting records. In this chapter, we’re going to talk about how you can use those same sort of similarity metrics to recommend items to a website’s users.
The algorithm we’ll use is called k-nearest neighbors. It’s arguably the most intuitive of all the machine learning algorithms that we present in this book. Indeed, the simplest form of k-nearest neighbors is the sort of algorithm most people would spontaneously invent if asked to make recommendations using similarity data: they’d recommend the song that’s closest to the songs a user already likes, but not yet in that list. That intuition is essentially a 1-nearest neighbor algorithm. The full k-nearest neighbor algorithm amounts to a generalization of this intuition where you draw on more than one data point before making a recommendation.
The full k-nearest neighbors algorithm works much in the way some of us ask for recommendations from our friends. First, we start with people whose taste we feel we share, and then we ask a bunch of them to recommend something to us. If many of them recommend the same thing, we deduce that we’ll like it as well.
How can we take that intuition and transform it into something algorithmic? Before we work on making recommendations based on real data, let’s start with something ...
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