Chapter 15. Metrics and Regression Evaluation

This chapter will evaluate the results of a random forest regressor trained on the Boston housing data:

>>> rfr = RandomForestRegressor(
...     random_state=42, n_estimators=100
... )
>>>, bos_y_train)


The sklearn.metrics module includes metrics to evaluate regression models. Metric functions ending in loss or error should be minimized. Functions ending in score should be maximized.

The coefficient of determination (r²) is a common regression metric. This value is typically between 0 and 1. It represents the percent of the variance of the target that the features contribute. Higher values are better, but in general it is difficult to evaluate the model from this metric alone. Does a .7 mean it is a good score? It depends. For a given dataset, .5 might be a good score, while for another dataset, a .9 may be a bad score. Typically we use this number in combination with other metrics or visualizations to evaluate a model.

For example, it is easy to make a model that predicts stock prices for the next day with an r² of .99. But I wouldn’t trade my own money with that model. It might be slightly low or high, which can wreak havoc on trades.

The r² metric is the default metric used during grid search. You can specify other metrics using the scoring parameter.

The .score method calculates this for regression models:

>>> from sklearn import metrics
>>> rfr.score(bos_X_test, bos_y_test)

>>> metrics ...

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