List of Listings
Chapter 2. Tidying, manipulating, and plotting data with the tidyverse
Listing 2.1. The starwars data as a tibble and a data frame
Listing 2.2. Exploring the CO2 dataset
Listing 2.3. Selecting columns using select()
Listing 2.4. Filtering rows using filter()
Listing 2.5. Grouping data with group_by()
Listing 2.6. Creating summaries of variables using summarize()
Listing 2.7. Creating new variables using mutate()
Listing 2.8. Arranging tibbles by variables using arrange()
Listing 2.9. Chaining dplyr operations together with %>%
Listing 2.10. Plotting data with the ggplot() function
Listing 2.11. Adding geom layers to a ggplot object
Listing 2.12. Mapping species to the shape and color aesthetics
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