Bisecting K-means - training a clustering model

Training for bisecting K-means in Spark ML involves taking an approach similar to the other models -- we pass a DataFrame that contains our training data to the fit method of the KMeans object. Note that here we use the libsvm data format:

  1. Instantiate the cluster object:
        val spConfig = (new                                 SparkConf).setMaster("local[1]").setAppName("SparkApp").         set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")         val spark = SparkSession           .builder()           .appName("Spark SQL Example")           .config(spConfig)           .getOrCreate()         val datasetUsers ="libsvm").load(           BASE + "/movie_lens_2f_users_libsvm/part-00000")
The output of the command show(3) is shown here:
 +-----+--------------------+ ...

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