Bucket results

At the highest level of abstraction are the results at the bucket level. Essentially, this is the aggregated results for the entire job as a function of time and essentially answers the question "how unusual was this bucket of time?" To understand the structure and content of bucket-level results, let's query the results for a particular ML job. We will start by looking at the results for a simple, single metric job that has no defined influencers:

GET .ml-anomalies-*/_search{    "query": {            "bool": {              "filter": [                  { "range" : { "timestamp" : { "gte": "now-2y" } } },                  { "term" :  { "job_id" : "farequote_single" } },                  { "term" :  { "result_type" : "bucket" } },                  { "range" : { "anomaly_score" : {"gte" : "90"}}}              ]            }    }}

Here, the query is ...

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